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MujuruEconomist¹⁶⁵⁶² 基本例句 穆朱鲁¹⁰⁰ Mr Mujuru's death is bound to intensify the vicious battle between rival Zanu-PF factions swirling around the succession of the party's ailing87-year-old leader. 津巴布韦非洲民族联盟87岁的领导人久病缠身,党内派系围绕继承人问题的恶性争夺必将在穆菊如死后加剧。 renren But it is unclear whether Mr Mujuru, who has hedged his bets in the past, is directly involved in Mr Makoni's brave— or rash— bid. 但是,据说穆巨如先生曾在过去对马考尼先生的见解闪烁其辞,而他这次是否会直接卷入他行为勇敢或卤莽的竞选还不是很清楚。 ecocn Mr Mnangagwa tried to block Mrs Mujuru's appointment as vice- president in 2004. 二零零四年穆南加格瓦试图阻止穆菊茹提名副总统。 ecocn Mr Mujuru’s death is bound to intensify the vicious battle between rival Zanu- PF factions swirling around the succession of the party’s ailing87-year-old leader. 由于87岁的总统穆加贝已是年老体衰,关于他的接班人一事引发爱国阵线党内敌对各派的残酷斗争,穆菊茹将军的死亡必定会加强这些斗争。 ecocn None has openly joined him yet, but he may get the nod from Solomon Mujuru, a powerful former army chief who is married to the country's vice- president. 目前没人公开加入他,但是他可能得到所罗门•穆菊茹的认可,穆菊茹是有权势的前军事统帅,也是副总统的丈夫。 ecocn Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans have attended the funeral of one of the country's most senior politicians, General Solomon Mujuru, who died in a mysterious house fire last week. 数万名津巴布韦人参加了该国最高级政治家之一, Solomon Mujuru将军的葬礼。他于上周在一场不可思议的火灾中遇难。 tingvoa The former speaker is making a political comeback, but this may be little more than a shrewd attempt by Mr Mugabe to weaken the Mujuru faction, whose ascendancy he now resents. 这个前国会发言人正在打一个政治上的翻身战,但这与穆加贝试图削弱穆菊茹派系的如意算盘一样,收效甚微。 穆加贝对穆菊茹派系的日益强大十分头痛。 ecocn Zimbabwe's ex- military chief Solomon Mujuru has died in a fire at his farm, the state security minister has said. 津巴布韦国家安全部长称,前军事统帅所罗门·穆菊茹在其农场的一场大火中丧生。 noforget Particular targets of his wrath were his vice- president, Joyce Mujuru, and her husband, an influential ZANU-PF stalwart who used to head the army. 尤其把炮火对准了副总统,乔伊斯•穆菊茹和她的丈夫—在党内颇有影响力的坚定分子,曾是军界领导。 ecocn |