

单词 turned back
释义 turned back短语¹¹⁶²⁷
na.同“turn down ”;🌏转回;回头
And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.
你回头以后,要坚固你的弟兄。 ebigear

After a few seconds he turned back to her, and bending kissed her piteous face.
片刻之后,他转过身来,弯下腰吻了吻她那楚楚可怜的脸蛋。 yeeyan

Amazingly, if as incoming students they had told U.S. immigration authorities that they hoped to stay on as entrepreneurs after graduation, they would have been turned back at the border.
令人吃惊的是,如果外来留学生曾向美国移民当局表示他们希望在毕业后留在美国创业,那么他们早就已经被拒绝入境了。 yeeyan

But it contained an almost subliminal suggestion that somehow the clock could be turned back—that the events of the Afghanistan war’s first months could be replayed, this time with a better outcome.
但它也隐含了一个几乎是潜意识中的建议,那就是,时光可能会倒流——阿富汗战争的第一个月的光景可能会重演,这一次,可能结果会更理想。 yeeyan

But the finger I pointed at her turned back to me.
但我指向她的手指反过来又指向了我。 yeeyan

He turned back to the receptionist.
他转身面向那位接待员。 putclub

I turned back and shouted to my neighbor.
我转过身来冲着邻居喊道。 kekenet

It could by a gesture have turned back Italian transports from the Suez Canal.
它只须摆开架势,就可以使意大利的运输船从苏伊士运河退回去。 jukuu




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