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tree bark短语⁷⁹⁶⁵⁸ 基本例句 树皮绉 Recoiling in pain, I’d scrape my back or arms on the scaly tree bark. 碰疼时我本能后退,结果又被粗糙的树皮擦伤背或胳膊。 yeeyan Running our of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark. 部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。 ebigear The pivotal technologic problems such as cleavage, strength decline, tree bark and threadbare were solved. 解决了披裂、强力下降、树皮皱、露白等关键技术难点。 cnki The workers survived underground by subsisting on sawdust, tree bark and turbid water, rescuer Chen Yongsheng told reporters. 救护队员陈永生告诉记者,被困人员在井下靠吃木屑,树皮,喝凉水来维生。 iciba The wells are dressed with large framed panels decorated with elaborate mosaic- like pictures made of flower petals, seeds, grasses, leaves, tree bark, berries and moss. 水井用带有边框的大装饰板来装饰。装饰板上有精美的类似镶嵌的装饰图案,图案包括花瓣、种子、草地、树叶、树皮、浆果和苔藓。 xdf As exports rose, rice became a staple in East Germany, while peasants throughout China ate tree bark. 由于中国大米出口增长,大米在东德成了主食,而与此同时,中国农民却在吃树皮。 yeeyan Bears sometimes claw at the cedars in order to eat the tree bark, which has a high sugar content. 熊有时会扒下黄杉的树皮用以食用,因为黄杉树皮还有很高的糖分。 blog.sina.com.cn Fifteen-hundred years ago, people from the central Amazon area in South America made a sort of charcoal by heating tree bark and animal bones without air. 早在一千五百年前,亚马逊流域中部地区的人们就通过隔绝空气加热树皮和动物骨骼的方法制造一种炭。 putclub He told her he had eaten tree bark from the mine's support beams as he struggled to survive in the darkness. 唐爱军对她说,他在黑暗中努力求生时,吃的是矿井木头支柱上的树皮。 readeng In the thick forests of central and west Africa, troops find plentiful food for their vegetarian diet. They eat roots, shoots, fruit, wild celery, and tree bark and pulp. 部落一般在中部和西部非洲的密林这些植被丰富的地方,找寻适合自己的食物:他们吃植物的根,竹笋,水果,野生芹菜,树皮和果肉。 hjenglish Many people have resorted to eating grass, tree bark, clay, rodents and insects. 很多的人只得去吃草,吃树皮,吃泥土,吃老鼠,甚至吃虫子。 ecocn My vision of a yogi was a guy in the forest, sitting on a piece of tree bark— or in the deluxe version, a deerskin. He didn't have a yoga mat carrier! 我对瑜伽的印象就是一个人在深林里,坐在一块树皮上,或者豪华点的,就是坐在鹿皮上,但是,他连一块垫子都没有! yeeyan Solitary or in pairs; roosts in tunnels, old mine shafts, hollow trees and under thick tree bark. 独居或成对,栖息于隧道、废弃矿井、树洞内,以及厚树皮底下。 chinabiodiversity Stone, wood, tree bark, clay, and sand are generally available materials. 石材,木材,树皮,泥土,沙,一般可用的材料。 sywb Suffering from cold, wind, heat and rain, they will put on clothes made of tree bark and leaves. 受到寒冷和风暴,炎热和雨水的折磨,他们会穿上树皮和树叶制成的衣服。 chinaufo.com Sutures have a long and bizarre history, dating back to ancient Egypt, where everything from tree bark to hair was used to stitch human flesh back together again. 缝合技术拥有一段悠久而古怪的历史,可以追溯到古埃及,那时从树枝到头发任何东西都被用来将人类的血肉重新缝合到一起。 ecocn Vegetable- tanned leather is tanned using tannin and other ingredients found in vegetable matter, tree bark, and other such sources. 植物鞣制的皮革鞣制采用单宁和植物物质,树皮,以及其他类似的成分。 jnsleathershop.com When winter arrived, the peasants had nothing to eat but tree bark and grass. 冬天逼近了,农民们没有吃的就捡树叶吃,拨树皮吃,挖野草吃。 While the otter is going about this task, the rabbit fashions a noose from tree bark. 趁着水獭抓鸭子的工夫,兔子用树皮做了一个绳套。1stenglish |