

单词 tractions
释义 tractionsCOCA¹⁹⁷¹⁸⁸BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
n.曳;牵引;牵引力医牵引原型traction的复数 An expression of energy difference rate in a plate of non- uniform thickness with a crack of mixed mode under both body force and surface tractions in a non- uniform temperature field is derived.
本文推导出了含复合型裂纹的变厚度板在承受体力和面力、存在非均匀温度场的情况下的能量差率表达式。 cnki

The compatible boundary conditions are evidently uniform tractions applied on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell.
可相容的边值条件显然是作用在球壳的内表面和外表面上的均匀曳力。 jukuu

Tractions and confinements are applied through two separate and“antisymmetric” stiff steel cages.
经过两个零丁地和“否决称地”坚硬地钢骨架构造施行牵引和限制。 dqlb

Again, this representative joint, through judicious modification of the tractions and restraints, could just as easily model a lift joint, a cracked concrete volume, or a rock joint.
此外,经过谨慎地牵引和限制批改,这个典型地接合处可以非常轻易地模塑浇灌横接缝、断裂地混凝土体积或者岩石接缝。 dqlb

All elevators at stations on the Ma On Shan Line, including this one, are Mitsubishi tractions with oval-shape floor buttons.
所有马鞍山线车站内的电梯包括本机都是三菱机器带动式,配椭圆形楼层按钮; wowviewer

Interfacial tractions at the broken ends will produce delamination.
断头处的界面引力将引起分层。 bab

Two types of nonlinear spring elements were incorporated into the finite element program to simulate tensile and shear tractions, to analyze the thermally induced failure of interfaces.
并在界面上引入承受剪切和拉压的两种非线性弹簧单元,模拟了界面的热致失效问题。 cnki




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