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Hopkin ˈhɑːpˌkɪn 高 基本例句 n.霍普金¹⁰⁰ KarenHopkinis a science writer based in Somerville, Mass.科学作家,现居美国麻州桑墨维儿市。 Thanks for the minute for Scientific Americans Sixty Seconds Science.I'm KarrenHopkin.这可肯定不是大气科学家事先希望得到的信息。 Hopkin, although who had severe general paralysis disease , but he unceasing to study the secret of cosmos area.他凭着毅力,在宏观世界里对人类却做出了杰出的贡献回顾我现在垂垂老矣,过去很多年宝贵的时间都被白白地浪费了。 Researchers from JohnHopkin's bule bird school of public health in the United States did the study.美国的约翰霍普金斯公共卫生学院进行了这项研究。 Years ago a JohnHopkin's professor gave a group of graduate students this task: Go to the slums.年前,约翰霍普金的教授给一群研究生这项任务:到贫民窟贫民窟 。 Researchers from the JohnsHopkin's Hopkins Bloomberg school School of Public Health in the United States did the study.来自美国约翰斯-霍普金斯彭博公共卫生的研究人员们做了这项研究。 |