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释义 TICS tɪks
n.抽搐名词tic的复数形式.abbr.终端接口控制系统=Terminal Interface Control System
Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today's hypochondriac celebrities' tics and reclusion.
霍华德·休斯似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆。 hjenglish

Instead of the medications controlling her tics, it seemed that her tics were controlling us.
看起来并是药物在控制她的面部抽搐,倒像是她的面部抽搐在控制我们。 org

Small and wiry, with sunken eyes and dark bushy hair, he had nervous tics that caused his hands, feet and face to twitch constantly.
他身材矮小、清瘦结实、眼窝深陷并长着深色浓密的头发,他患有神经性痉挛,使他的手、脚和面部肌肉会经常抽搐。 zftrans

The chemical point detector has been developed to detect both chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals TICs.
化学点探测器用于探测化学战和有毒工业化学产品 TIC。

“ Two tics short I'm afraid, ” said the Abbot, holding up eight of ten fingers.
“恐怕还差两秒,”议员举起八根手指,说。 cndkc

Although, I will point out, Leonard, that I am a trained psychiatrist and you are exhibiting the same secretive behavioral tics that accompanied your learning to masturbate.
但是你要清楚, Leonard,我是个训练有素的精神科专家,你正显现出隐瞒秘密所致的面部抽搐就跟你在学习手淫时的表现一样。 hjenglish

Antipsychotic medications, the first-line treatments for moderate to severe tics, are often associated with adverse effects.
抗精神病药物作为中重度抽动的一线治疗,往往出现不良反应。 dxy

As she struggles to get her words out, she goes into a multitude of tics—grimacing, blinking, throwing her head to one side.

At first, we discuss how to sort ver tics sequence of cross section.
文章首先讨论了如何对断面端点排序,得到若干多边形的顶点序列; cnki

Effects of disorders range from transient tics and minor personality changes to major personality disruptions, seizures, paralysis, and death.
神经系统障碍所造成的影响从短暂的抽搐、轻微的人格变化到重大的人格分裂、疾病发作、瘫痪和死亡不等。 jukuu

In 1975 he organised a conference on the subject, so experts could pool their observations on the minutiae of psychopaths' behaviour, the verbal and non-verbal tics.
1975年,他组织了一次关于这个主题的会议,这样专家们把他们所观察到的心理变态狂一言一行中的点点滴滴都集中到一起,包括语言性和费言语性的。 yeeyan

Indeed that bias, along with other psychological tics identified by academics, may be a reason why markets are ultimately inefficient.
实际上这一偏差,伴随着其他一些专家确认为心理波动的因素,可能就是导致股市最终效率低下的原因之一。 ecocn

It has numerous manifestations: fluttering or pounding heart, tremor in the hands and legs, diarrhea, facial nerve tics, dry mouth.
其表现形式有很多种:心跳加速、手脚颤抖、腹泻、面部神经抽搐、口干等。 iciba

My family is used to his tics, but most kids think it's weird, so they tease him.
我们家的人对此已经习惯了,但是别的孩子觉得很奇怪,常常会嘲笑他。 yeeyan

Of course, T- bond futures can be very volatile and can trade several tics in either direction in a matter of seconds.

Some of the kids were incapable of speech, while others could talk in full sentences but were prone to physical tics like hand- flapping or obsessions with moving objects like trains.
其中一些孩子没有讲话能力,而其余孩子可以说完整的句子却倾向于肢体抽搐,比如手不停拍打,或者偏执于火车之类的移动对象。 yeeyan

Some similarities exist between self- hypnosis and habit reversal training techniques to reduce tics.
在自我催眠和通过习惯消除训练技巧来减少抽搐有一些相同点。 yeeyan

The man has accumulated a repertoire of facial tics and blinks that demand nothing less than a complete musical score by Stravinsky.
此人积累了一套关于面部痉挛和眨眼的保留节目,至少需要斯特拉文斯基的全套配乐来伴奏。 douban

They come into our living rooms every night, plying us with insight and confession; we know the prayers they say and the beer they drink, their tics, their tastes, their talismans.
他们每晚活跃于千家万户,用远见与宏论忽悠着我们;我们熟悉他们常用的祷词,喜爱的啤酒牌子,口音与品位,甚至护身绝招。 yeeyan

They ignore the obvious stuff and concentrate instead on the seemingly unobtrusive little tics that the writer and reader barely notice.

Visionary tics shivering in the chest.

What if you or your partner cannot focus on sex frequently because their OCD or tics are too distracting?
假如你或你的伴侣经常因为强迫症或抽筋无法集中精力在性生活上呢? yeeyan

When a friend successfully navigated the first few dates— the point when sex and weird tics were discussed— I'd feel a small tug of betrayal.
当一个朋友顺利通过前几次约会后——就该讨论性爱和“奇怪的抽动”了——我有点想背叛自己的信念了。 yeeyan

Yan Lishi has tics, stupor and so on low blood box symptom and incapable, weak and so on symptoms and so on low blood potassium.
严里时有抽抽,昏迷等低血箱症状及无力、软瘫等低血钾等症状。 guahaozhan




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