

单词 throws out
释义 throws out短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
Growing impatient at the Jedi's refusal to answer, Tamson throws out a terrible ultimatum.
绝地拒绝回答王子的下落,塔姆森失去耐心,提出了最后通牒。 starwarschina

With the greatest of respect this guy retired years ago and I find it totally baffling that he comes out and throws out everything that has been established years ago.
恕我直言,这位老先生几年前就退休了,现在又跑出来并推翻几年前就有公论的东西。我觉得这完全令人费解。 yeeyan

Even shout lately, the shout he throws out is triggered from self- nature, Buddha-nature, breath, calmness and refinement. Actually, his inside is tranquil and peace.
这种人就算发出怒喝,那也是由自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用中引发出来的,他心中仍然是平静的。 blog.sina.com.cn

For instance, the day after Ray’s death, Oates goes to their bedroom closet and throws out not her husband’s clothes, but half of her own clothes.
比如, Ray去世那天, Oates走到卧室的衣橱,不是想扔掉她丈夫的衣服,而是扔掉了自己衣服的一大半。 yeeyan

If I wake up late, it throws out my whole routine.
如果我晚起了,我的整个日常计划就会都被打乱。 iciba

In recent weeks he has left interviewers slack- jawed with amazement as he throws out his thoughts on how he would behave as president.
最近几周他所发表的关于自己若成为总统将如何作为的言论让众人张口结目。 ecocn

My leader always throws out our suggestions.
我的领导总是否决我们的意见。 blog.sina.com.cn

Relations could be upset if Chile's Supreme Court throws out Peru's request to extradite Alberto Fujimori, a former president who faces corruption and human- rights charges.
秘鲁的前总统阿尔韦托•藤森 Alberto Fujimori在智利的最高法院受到涉嫌贪污与侵犯人权的审判,如果此次法院不按照秘鲁政府的要求放弃审判该总统的话,两国关系将会反其道而行。 ecocn

That same owner regularly throws out pounds of spoiled food.
那个相似的拥有者却定期扔掉许多磅变质的食物。 yeeyan

Therefore, this paper throws out a minnow to catch a whale so as to resume the historic status of Hefen Literature School in the Chinese literature history according lots of held historical materials.
因此,本文仅据现已掌握的大量史料,抛砖引玉,力求恢复河汾文学流派在中国文学史上所应具有的历史地位。 sinoss

Unsure whether anyone else is on the line yet, the female caller throws out the first question: “ You got gang stalking or V2K?” she asks no one in particular.
无法确定是否有人在线上。一位女士抛出了第一个问题:“您被有组织的跟踪还是 V2K?”她并没有特别问某个人。 bokequn




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