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thermal drying 基本例句 热力干燥 Shenhua coal contains relative high moisture.Discussion denoted that moisture could be reduced only bythermal drying.神华煤水分偏高,论证表明,必须采用热力干燥的方法才能降低其水分含量。 Degradation of biomaterials and foods duringthermal dryingis caused mainly by their thermo-and xero-labile properties.摘要生物物料和食品在热力干燥过程中的质量退化主要是由其热湿不稳定特性导致的。 Abstract: Sludge treatment bythermal dryingis an important means to reduce the sludge vo lume,and make it stable and harmless.摘 要: 污泥热干燥处理是实现污泥减量化、无害化、稳定化的一种重要手段。 The sludgethermal dryingprocess is an efficient technology for achieving reduction,innocuity and stabilization,which has been an important way of sludge treatment.污泥热干化是能够实现减量化、无害化、稳定化的处理工艺,已是处理污泥的主流手段。 Thermal drying of biological feed with combined bacterium复合菌生物饲料热力干燥研究 |