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词汇 tesla
释义 tes·la 英ˈteslə美ˈtɛsləAHDtĕsʹlə

a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meterUnited States electrical engineer and inventor born in Croatia but of Serbian descent who discovered the principles of alternating currents and developed the first alternating-current induction motor and the Tesla coil and several forms of oscillators 1856-1943磁通量单位,来自其发明者 20 世纪美国科学家 Nikola Tesla.后用于美国著名电动跑车“特斯 拉”商标名。用作名词As part of the deal, Daimler will acquire a 10 percent stake in Tesla.作为协议的一部分,戴姆勒将获得百分之十的股份特斯拉。 And unlike the Detroit and foreign companies entering the EV market, Tesla will have some manufacturing disadvantages.
并且,跟进入电动汽车市场的来自底特律和外国的公司不同,特斯拉在生产上会有一些劣势。 fortunechina

As of the beginning of this year, Tesla had sold1, 500 of them.
从今年开始,特斯拉已经售出了1,500辆这种车。 fortunechina

For one, the Tesla Roadster, an electric sportscar based on the Lotus Elise, uses no rare-earth metals whatsoever.
比如说“特斯拉跑车”这家主要生产“莲花•伊利斯”电动跑车的公司,就无论如何不用稀土金属。 ecocn

The co- founder of PayPal, and developer of the Tesla, the first modern electric sports car, has long wanted to get into the space business as well.
作为贝宝支付业务的创始人之一以及第一部现代电动跑车---特斯拉的开发者,埃隆•马斯克对于进入航天领域已经是期盼已久。 ecocn

The Tesla’s rapid acceleration comes from the ability of an electric motor to deliver its maximum amount of torque at whatever speed the motor is turning.
特斯拉之所以拥有如此优异的加速性能,其原因在于电动马达无论在什么速度下都可以为车辆提供最大的扭矩。 yeeyan

The Tesla Roadster, a glorious two-seat sports car, is based on a model made by the British carmaker Lotus.
特斯拉跑车,这款拉风的双座运动型轿车,是基于由英国莲花汽车制造商研发的汽车平台。 yeeyan

A little over a century ago, the inventor Nikola Tesla drew up ambitious plans to transmit electrical power without wires.
一个多世纪前,发明家尼古拉•特斯拉就拟订了一个雄心勃勃的计划,不用电线传输电力。 ecocn

And besides, Tesla wants the competition, says Chief Technology Officer JB Straubel.
而且,特斯拉需要竞争,首席技术总监巴顿施特劳贝尔说。 yeeyan

At the beginning of the20th century, Nikola Tesla proposed using huge coils to transmit electricity through the troposphere to power homes.
早在20世纪初,尼古拉·特斯拉就提出利用巨型线圈,通过大气对流层将电输送到千家万户。 yeeyan

But has Tesla had the last laugh after all?
但是特斯拉到底笑到最后没有? ecocn

But the arrival of the Tesla shows that Germany could still lose the race.
但特斯拉的出现表明,德国仍可能在这场竞争中输掉。 iciba

But the market may be overlooking some of the major challenges that Tesla could face in getting all the way home.
不过,市场也许忽略了特斯拉在抵达目标之路上可能碰到的重大挑战。 fortunechina

By contrast, the Tesla Roadster uses just one gear—such is the flexibility of its three-phase induction motor.
与此相反,特斯拉跑车只有一个排档,这就是三相感应发动机的灵活性。 ecocn

By the1890s, Nikola Tesla had demonstrated that not just magnetic fields but also electromagnetic waves themselves could transmit power— and over far greater distances.
到1890年,尼古拉·特斯拉论证出电磁波本身也能传输电能,并且和磁场相比传输距离要长得多。 ecocn

By associating the Tesla- Westinghouse current with something as unpleasant as the state killing of a human being, Edison hoped to turn public opinion his way.
通过把特斯拉-威斯汀豪斯电流与某些和政府杀人一样令人不愉快的事情联系起来,爱迪生希望把舆论转向他这一边。 yeeyan

Famed inventor Nikola Tesla, for example, was among those who dreamed of capturing and using electricity from the air.
例如,著名的发明家尼古拉•特斯拉就曾经提出过从大气中捕获电流并加以应用的设想。 yeeyan

If the demand for electric vehicles switches a bit, or if there are production delays, Tesla could get slammed.
如果电动汽车需求稍有起伏,或出现了生产延误,特斯拉就可能遭受重大打击。 fortunechina

In moving to a pure induction design, Toyota could do worse than take a page out of the Tesla car company's manual.
如果转而考虑纯感应发动机的设计,丰田可能表现得远差于泰斯拉汽车的公司手册中所描述的。 ecocn

In the piece Tesla explains that the Van de Graaff generator, developed in 1929, cannot create energy but that it can separate the charges within an atom to be stored and utilized later.
在文中,特斯拉解释了1929年开发的范德格拉夫起电机不能创造能源,但是可以分离原子内部的电荷并以备后用的原理。 xinhuanet

Most carmakers are taking a more conservative approach than Tesla’s, and it is here that the second answer, a battery plus a generator, heaves into view.
大多汽车制造商都采取了比泰斯拉更为保守的战略,于是有了第二种方法,电池加发电机,为电池充电。 ecocn

Not that Tesla can't become profitable, it can, Driscoll says.
德瑞斯克尔表示,不是说特斯拉不能盈利,它可以做到。 fortunechina

Overall, the Tesla Roadster is said to achieve a battery- to- wheels efficiency of88%— three times better than a conventional car.
总之,特斯拉跑车公司据说在“电池到轮胎”转换效率已经达到了88%——比传统汽车的三倍都要高。 ecocn

The company was founded seven years ago, and it started selling its all-electric Tesla Roadster in 2008.
这个公司成立于七年前,并在2008年就开始销售它的纯电动特斯拉跑车。 yeeyan

This is different from Tesla’s approach, but the firm’s founders have acknowledged his pioneering work.
这与特斯拉的做法不同,但是公司创始人已经承认了他的开创性工作。 ecocn

Tesla has a close relationship with Daimler, which took a10% stake in the firm last year.
泰斯拉与戴姆勒汽车公司关系密切,后者去年购买了该公司10%的股份。 ecocn

Tesla is unlikely to become a major car company.
特斯拉不太可能成为一家主流汽车公司。 yeeyan

Tesla Motors, a small Silicon Valley company, has come up with a way to extend the range of a battery-powered car.
硅谷的小公司特斯拉汽车公司,想出一种方法来延长电池动力车的行驶里程。 yeeyan

Tesla's invention is, in essence, a rotating transformer.
特斯拉的发明实质上是一种旋转变压器。 ecocn

Tesla's tech for these parts is some of the best in the business, according to Driscoll.
据德瑞斯克尔所说,特斯拉在这些方面的技术属于业内顶尖。 fortunechina




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