词汇 | 安然无恙 |
释义 | 安然无恙 辨形“恙”,不能写作“羔”。 辨析安然无恙与“平安无事”有别:安然无恙着眼于说明未受损失;“平安无事”着眼于说明未发生事故。 辨形“恙”,不能写作“羔”。 辨析安然无恙与“平安无事”有别:安然无恙着眼于说明未受损失;“平安无事”着眼于说明未发生事故。 歇后语甘露寺里的刘备 法文sain et sauf 有一次,齐王派使者带着信到赵国问候赵威后。威后还没有拆信就问使者。“齐国的收成不坏吧?老百姓平安吗?齐王身体健康吗?” 齐国使者听了心里很不高兴,说:“我受齐王派遣来问候您,现在你不先问齐王,却先问收成和百姓,难道可以把低贱的放在前面,把尊贵的放在后面吗?” 威后微微一笑,说:“不是的。如果没有收成,怎么会有百姓?如果没有百姓,怎么会有君主?难道问候时可以舍弃根本而只问枝节吗?” 齐国使者听了,一时说不出话来。 这则“无恙”的典故,后来演化出成语,“安然无恙” 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 “ Leadership by sending messages from safe places, to throw people to perdition while you are safe and your families are safe and settled, that is not responsible, ” Abbas said. Be safe, but be real too— your children are safe tonight. But throw a group of fire ants into the water, come back the next day, and they’ll still be floating. Give up the land, and you can go unharmed with your goods. The captain, the co-pilot and all the crew are safe. Now that all was well, I was glad to have spent those few hours of wildness with the elk. Look, I have a particularly close connection to the house I live in. But for all that, you can destroy my house without destroying me. Each time, the injected part of the meat would burn. The rest was uncooked, unharmed. Yet just outside the city, and in the outskirts of each district's main town, the Taliban operate with impunity. If allergens can survive the hostile environment of the stomach, they are absorbed by the intestines, enter the blood stream, and interact freely with the immune system. AFTER a sudden market panic, all is well. My relatives are unharmed, but there are new fears of a catastrophic meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, just30 miles away. Although British territorial waters have been extended and now include Sealand—and the British government refuses to recognise its claim— the principality continues to exist unmolested. The disparity may reflect the fact that authorities have argued many people are safe even if they cannot currently leave mountainous areas. As long as the user is clicking and buying, all is well. And I hope she is well. The assumption was that if each institution was safe, then the system as a whole would be too. |
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