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词汇 teradata
释义 teradata ˌterəˈdɑːtə COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
It is strongly recommended to minimize metadata calls to Teradata.
强烈建议最小化对 Teradata的元数据调用。 ibm

The company whose system crunched Wal-Mart’s numbers was none other than NCR and its data- warehousing unit, Teradata, now an independent firm.
沃尔玛用于计算的系统正是来自全国现金出纳机公司和现在独立出来的数据仓库部门天睿资讯。 yeeyan

The connector loads the data into an empty table named Orders using the Teradata parallel transporter load driver.
连接器使用 Teradata并行传输加载驱动程序将数据加载到一个空的 Orders表中。 ibm

The connector supports the checkpoint and restart feature in the Teradata parallel Transport.
连接器支持 Teradata并行传输中的检查点和重启特性。 ibm

The immediate mode of the Teradata connector supports the SQL execution by the DBC/ SQL partition.
Teradata连接器的立即访问模式支持通过 DBC/ SQL分区执行 SQL。 ibm

The load driver will use the data from the connector and build64k buffer to be sent to the Teradata database.
加载驱动程序将使用连接器中的数据并构建64k缓冲以便发送给 Teradata数据库。 ibm

The ODBC stage provides the capability to use the ODBC driver to access various database systems, including Teradata.
ODBC工作台允许使用 ODBC驱动程序访问各种数据库系统,包括 Teradata。 ibm

The TDPID is an alias that the Teradata client applications use to connect to the Teradata database.
Teradata客户机应用程序将使用 TDPID别名连接到 Teradata数据库。 ibm

Figure19 shows the lookup stage and the Teradata connector of a sample job to perform a normal lookup.
图19展示了某示例作业的查找工作台和 Teradata连接器,可用于执行普通查找。 ibm

Figure22 shows the lookup stage and the Teradata connector of a sample job to perform a sparse lookup.
图22展示的示例作业的查找工作台和 Teradata连接器可用于执行稀疏查找。 ibm

First, connect to the data source using Teradata SQL Assistant.
首先,使用 Teradata SQL Assistant连接到数据源。 ibm

For example, accessing three Oracle DBMS instances and one Teradata instance would require two wrappers to be defined: one for Oracle and one for Teradata.
比如要访问三个 Oracle DBMS实例和一个 Teradata实例,需要定义两个包装器分别用于 Oracle和 Teradata。 ibm

However, unlike the Teradata connector, it only runs in sequential mode.
但是,与 Teradata连接器不同,它只在序列模式下运行。 ibm

It introduces the data loading, data extraction, and lookup features of the Teradata connector.
它介绍了 Teradata连接器的数据加载、数据提取和查找特性。 ibm

Mr. Hurd flourished at Teradata, creating a fast- growing business within NCR that caught executives’ attention and ultimately led to his promotion as chief of the entire company.
赫德在 Teradata成绩斐然,一手推动了 NCR业务的迅速增长,这也引起了公司高层的注意,并最终任命他为全公司的首席执行官。 yeeyan

Regardless of schema3NF or Star, the Teradata query optimizer relies on statistics to help it determine the best way to access data.
不管哪种模式3NF或 Star, Teradata查询优化器依赖于统计信息帮助确定最佳数据访问路径。 ibm

Relational style queries against IBM DB2, Oracle, Teradata type data sources will go to the relational query planner.
针对 IBM DB2、 Oracle、 Teradata类数据源的关系型查询会转到关系型查询规划器。 ibm

Relationships between tables provide valuable input to the Teradata database optimizer.
表之间的关系提供了 Teradata数据库优化器的输入值。 ibm

Running the Teradata load stage in parallel mode is not supported.
以并行模式运行 Teradata加载工作台是不受支持的。 ibm

STP stage is the recommended solution to call the Teradata macros, stored procedures, scalar functions, and table functions.
STP工作台是用于调用 Teradata宏、存储过程、纯量函数和表函数的建议解决方案。 ibm

The selected Teradata utility uses the generated script as input and writes the output to a report file.
所选 Teradata实用工具将使用生成的脚本作为输入,并将输出写入到报表文件。 ibm

The stage converts the data to a Teradata format and writes to a data file or a pipe.
工作台将数据转换为 Teradata格式并将数据写入到数据文件或管道。 ibm

These examples provide guides that show you how to solve typical data integration problems with Teradata databases.
这些示例将指导您解决 Teradata数据库中的典型数据集成问题。 ibm

This document provides a set of tips and techniques when deploying IBM Cognos8 with Teradata as a data source.
本文提供了一些在使用 Teradata作为数据源来部署 IBM Cognos8时的技巧和技术。 ibm

This example runs on two computing nodes and the targeted Teradata database has two AMPs.
本例运行于两个计算节点之上,并且目标 Teradata数据库有两个 AMP。 ibm

This section contains screenshots that illustrate the steps to define the bulk load operation using the Teradata Parallel Transport load driver.
本节中的屏幕快照将演示使用 Teradata Parallel Transport加载驱动程序定义批量加载操作的步骤。 ibm

This section uses a sample ETL job to illustrate the steps to extract data from the Teradata table named Orders.
本节将使用一个示例 ETL作业来演示从名称为 Orders 的 Teradata表中提取数据的步骤。 ibm

The Teradata connector provides the equivalent functions via the load and export drivers in the bulk mode option.
Teradata通过批量模式选项中的加载和导出驱动程序提供等价的功能。 ibm

The Teradata connector provides the equivalent load feature via the load driver in the bulk mode option.
Teradata连接器通过批量模式选项中的加载驱动程序提供了等价的加载功能。 ibm

The Teradata connector provides equivalent features via the update and stream drivers in the bulk mode option.
Teradata连接器的批量模式中的更新和流驱动程序提供了与之等价的特性。 ibm




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