

单词 tentacle
释义 ten·ta·cle 英ˈtentəkəl美ˈtɛntəkəlAHDtĕnʹtə-kəl ★☆☆☆☆高ITCOCA¹⁸¹⁰⁷BNC¹¹³⁹⁴iWeb¹³⁸⁹⁷

something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp and hold;

caught in the tentacles of organized crime

any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many animals; used for feeling or grasping or locomotion来自拉丁语 tentare,感知,接触,触摸,来自 tendere 的反复格,来自 tendere,拉开,张开, 词源同 tend,extend.-acle,小词后缀。引申词义触角,触须。maxillary tentacle下颚触手tentacle scale触手鳞terminal tentacle端触手tentacle sheath触手鞘动azygous tentacle顶触手secondary tentacle次级触手oral tentacle口触手primary tentacle初级触手
tent-acle⇒n.动物触角;触须n.触角;触手;触毛;约束;影响;束缚;植触毛;动触器;植触丝;像触手的东西;感受设备;传感器;触觉元件词根记忆tent触,摸,参考:attentive注意的,关心的近义词 arm臂limb肢体organ器官member成员antenna触角feeler试探者appendage附加物

用作名词Eachtentaclehas 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans.每根触须都有5000个带刺的细胞,上面的毒液足以杀死60个人。noun.appendage
同义词 arm,feeler,limb
clawnoun nail of animal;tool shaped like nail of an animal
barb,cant hook,clapperclaw,fang,fingernail,grapnel,grappler,hook,manus,nail claw,nipper,paw,pincer,spur,talon,unguis,ungula
feelernoun anything that investigates by touch
fingernoun appendage of hand
claw,digit,extremity,feeler,forefinger,index finger,pinky,pointer,ring finger,tactile member,tentacle,thumb
fingersnoun appendage of hand
antennas,claws,digits,extremities,feelers,hooks,pinkies,pointers,ring fingers,tactile members,tentacles,thumbs Also known as the sea wasp, this salad- bowl sized jellyfish can have up to60 tentacles each15 feet long. Each tentacle has5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill60 humans.
绰号海洋中的黄蜂,咸水碗状水母有60条15英尺长的触须,每条触须上有5000个毒刺细胞,足够杀死60个人。 bioon

In the mantle tentacle, many round cells and wavelike nerve fibers presented strongly NOS-positivity.
外套触手内有较多近圆形细胞和大量波浪形神经纤维呈 NOS强阳性; cnki

The tiny male paper nautilus, an octopus, impregnates the much larger female by shooting his penisa modified tentacle into her- and leaving it there.
一种小小的叫纸鹦鹉螺的章鱼,通过把自己的阴茎射入那些个头大很多的雌性体内来使它们怀孕,而且就这么把那话儿留里面了。 yeeyan

When the alien Sith apprentice idea was abandoned, Power revisited the tentacle-headed alien as a Jedi, with a less malevolent face, yet still with an imposing presence.
这个异族西斯学徒的想法被废弃后,鲍尔把这个头上有触须的异族人重新定位为一名绝地,他的脸没那么恶毒了,但气质依然威严。 starwarschina

Zoology A sensory or tactile organ, such as an antenna, a tentacle, or a barbel.
感觉或触觉器官,例如触角、触手或触须。 kekenet

A glassy cellar spider contends with the glistening tentacle tips of a South African king sundew.

A simple motor drives two cables inside the tentacle, and the wearer controls it with a pair of switches on the upper section.
一个简单的电动机驱动触须内的两根电缆,使用者则通过上部分的一对开关进行操控利用。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Each team shot up to three block tentacle hands of a shot, the ball must be from the third ball hit back to the Internet to air the other sites.
每队最多可击球三次,拦网触手手也计一次击球,第三次必须将球从球网上空击回至对方场区。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells cnidocytes that can sting or kill other animals: most jellyfish use them to secure prey or for defence.
它的触须从体内伸出,每根触须上都带有可以伤害甚至杀害其他动物的毒刺。水母大都用这些刺来捕食或自卫。 chinabroadcast

Each tentacle is about two millimeters long.
图中每一个触手大约两毫米长。 yeeyan

Each tentacle has about5,000 stinging cells, which are triggered not by touch but by the presence of a chemical on the outer layer of its prey.
每条触手大约有5000个刺细胞,这些细胞的触发不是由于触摸,而是由于猎物的外层化学物质。 yeeyan

Each tentacle is designed as a structure with Fin Ray Effect .
每个“触角”都设计成鱼鳍鳍条结构。 gongkongtv.com

If a gluey tentacle grabs too little of a big fly, the bug may suffer injury but still struggle to freedom.
大个子苍蝇,即使没被粘性触须粘上多少,也受伤了,在竭力挣扎,为自由而奋斗。 yingyu

Kit Fisto is a striking example of an alien Jedi, with large, unblinking eyes, and a gathered tangle of flexible tentacle-tresses extending from his head.
基特·菲斯托就是一个明显的例子,这位异族绝地有一双不眨的大眼睛,从头上伸出的柔软触须纠结缠绕在一起。 starwarschina

Once they seize hold, each tentacle begins to curl and extend, as the oligo squeezes the cytoplasm out of itself until only a cellophane- like sheet of membrane remains.
一旦被它抓住,每个触须就会卷曲和延伸。象少突细胞挤压细胞质那样直到变成一张象玻璃纸那样薄的隔膜。 blog.sina.com.cn

One positive outcome that could arise from bumping into a friendly ETI is that it takes our fledgling race under its wing tentacle and helps us, technologically, to push deeper into space.
若是遇到友善的外星智慧生物,其积极后果之一就是他们会将我们这个幼稚的文明置于其卵翼或者是触手之下,帮助我们提高科技水准,推动我们进入更为遥远的太空。 yeeyan

Scientists also pulled up a tentacle they believe came from a foot- long jellyfish.
科学家们同时也发现了一条触角,他们相信这是一只有一英尺长的水母的触角。 yeeyan

Such movement would only stir the beast, which would strike out with a sticky tentacle, and tug the meal into its waiting mouth.
这种动作只会激怒该野兽,它会伸出有粘性触须,将美食拖入期待已久的口中。 starwarschina

The ground-breaking effects used in The Abyss to digitally depict the water tentacle convinced Cameron that his liquid metal villain was now possible.
在《深渊》一片中破天荒使用了数字特效技术制作液态生物触手后,卡梅隆终于有充足的信心来制作续集里的液态金属反派机器人了。 mtime

The team's findings will be presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting tomorrow, where the shrimp and the tentacle will be a hot topic for discussion.
这个研究结果将于明天在美国地球物理学联盟会议上公布,那时发现的虾和触须将是讨论的热门话题。 transcn

There are some2,000 species of jellyfish. Some are tasty, others will kill you with the tap of a tentacle.
世界上有大约2000种的水母,有的可口美味,有的则轻轻一碰就能致你于死地。 yeeyan

When the spider gives up, either from exhaustion or suffocation, it will be conveyed by the tentacle to the leaf's center.

With a sigh, he lifted one of the tentacle fingers on his right hand to his eye and discovered a tear forming.
随着一声叹息,他举起右手上的一根触须擦拭眼睛,却发现了一颗泪滴。 www.easyreading.com.cn




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