

单词 shallowly
释义 shal·low·ly 英'ʃæləʊ美'ʃæloʊ 高COCA⁶¹⁸⁸⁵BNC⁶⁴³³⁰iWeb⁴⁵⁵³⁴

not deep


lacking deep or serious thinking; superficial

a stretch of shallow water
lacking physical depth; having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center;

shallow water

a shallow dish

a shallow cut

a shallow closet

established a shallow beachhead

hit the ball to shallow left field

not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply;

shallow breathing

a night of shallow fretful sleep

in a shallow trance

lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious;

shallow people

his arguments seemed shallow and tedious

make shallow;

The silt shallowed the canal

become shallow;

the lake shallowed over time





用作形容词 adj.
~+名词shallow argument〔book, conversation〕浅薄的议论〔书,交谈〕shallow breathing浅呼吸
近义词 superficial反义词 deepprofound
~+ n.He got in at the shallow end of the swimming pool.他在游泳池的浅水区下水。
He is a shallow thinker whose opinions aren't worth much.他看问题很浅薄,因此他的意见没有多大价值。
S+be+~His arguments seemed shallow and tedious.他的论点显得肤浅乏味,令人生厌。S+be+~+to- vThe dish is too shallow to serve soup in.盘子太浅,盛不了汤。
I was too young and shallow to understand love.那时我太年轻无知,不懂得什么是爱情。
用作名词The ship was grounded in shallow water.船在水浅处搁浅。
A shallow place in a body of water,such as a river,where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle.可涉水而过的地方河等水体的浅处,人们可以在此步行或骑动物或用交通工具淌过。用作动词The rock assemblage of shallow exposed bank-microfacies is the basis of the formation of pore layers and reservoir permeability systems.变浅暴露滩微相的岩石组合是孔隙层和储渗体形成的基础。 Another main cause of lower bearing capacity which can not meet design requirement is that several pile's end enter too shallowly into supporting layer.
某些工程中个别桩的桩尖进入持力层过浅,也是导致承载力无法满足设计要求的主要原因。 cnki

Is engaged in the agricultural administration law enforcement work according to myself the experience, discusses the agricultural administration law enforcement file shallowly the management.
根据本人从事农业行政执法工作的体会,浅谈农业行政执法档案的管理。 fw789

The naturalist literary sect always thinks shallowly, which determines its short duration.
学派别的思考往往是肤浅的,这决定了它的短暂性。 nciku

The scattering of plane SH- wave, whose incidence direction is vertical to the horizontal plane, by a shallowly buried cavity of arbitrary shape in a homogeneous elastic half- space is analyzed.
求解了稳态 SH波垂直弹性半空间水平表面入射时,浅埋任意形孔洞的动力响应。 cnki

The article analyzes shallowly the function and value of sport from several aspects: developing of sport industry, function of advertises and television medium, management of large games and stadiums.
从体育用品业的发展、体育广告与电视媒体的作用、大型运动会和体育场馆的经济功能等几个方面入手,浅要分析了体育的经济功能与价值。 cnki

The geological environment in karst area is vulnerable, especially in the shallowly buried karst region, the groundwater there is easily to be polluted.
岩溶地区地质环境脆弱,防污能力差,特别是浅埋藏岩溶发育地区,地下水具有易污染性。 www.karstjournal.ac.cn

The quality control measures of concrete construction in civil engineering are discussed shallowly.
就工民建中混凝土施工的质量控制措施作以浅谈。 www.qikan.com.cn

Guangdong province is rich in high grade iron ore resources, which were found extensively distributed and shallowly deposited.
广东富铁矿资源丰富,矿床规模较大,矿石窟,埋藏浅。 cnki

I think you'd appreciate being left alone to explore at your own pace, to delve as deeply or shallowly as whimsy strikes you.
我想你会感谢他让你一个人,按照自己的节奏探索,深浅都由你的意愿决定。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the shallow layer detection, the detection of small target buried shallowly requires more complex signal processing method.
而在浅地层探测中,地雷等浅埋小目标的探测,对浅地层探地雷达的信号处理方法提出了更高的要求。 cnki

In the region of underground water level buried shallowly, in order to insure the basic construction, it often applied well-point precipitation.
在地下水面埋藏较浅的地区,为保证基础施工常采用井点降水; cnki

Myself act according to the mathematical sciences “ clear the characteristic, the union the three bright bodies one” the educational model, discusses some individual opinion shallowly.
本人根据数学科的特点,结合“三精一清”教学模式,浅谈一些个人见解。 topsage

The author in this discussed shallowly constructs the construction enterprise quality control, and does the brief analytical study.
笔者在此浅谈一下建筑施工企业质量管理,并作简要的分析研究。 qikan120

The sand buried shallowly may be liquefaction.
埋藏较浅的砂土会发生液化。 cnki

Then, how to raise the student zetetic study in mathematics teaching ability? This article discusses several spots shallowly regarding this.

This article shallowly analyzed the challenges which Chinese government have faced after she joined WTO, and how to realize the government functions shift.
本文分析了加入 WTO后中国政府所面临的挑战,浅述如何着手实现政府职能转变。 cnexp

This structure could be shallowly buried and easily constructed with less material used.
这种台座埋置浅、易施工、用料少。 cnki

With the Internet, our focus extends horizontally, and shallowly.
有了因特网,我们的注意力只会水平式的延伸,同时也是浅薄地延伸。 yeeyan

You vent your BC using the deflator valve and concentrate on breathing shallowly.
你通过使用排气阀调节你的浮力调整器,同时集中精力进行微微的呼吸。 iciba




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