

单词 tariff rates
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Article6 Customs import duty shall be calculated in accordance with general tariff rates and preferential tariff rates.
第六条进口关税设普通税率和优惠税率。 lawyee

As a result, Hungarian import tariffs have aligned with the EU tariff rates, which are generally lower than the original Hungarian rates.
因此,匈牙利的进口关税与欧盟关税看齐,比起之前的水平已大幅调低。 www.gzboftec.gov.cn

As an important sector of automobile industry, car industry had been protected by high tariff rates and limited quotas for almost half a century.
作为汽车工业重要组成部分的轿车产业,近半个世纪以来都受到高关税低配额的保护。 cnki

During this period, China lowered its import tariff rates on several occasions and realized the convertibility of RMB in regular items.
在这期间,中国多次降低进口关税,并且实现了人民币的自由兑换。 zftrans

Information on tariff rates for specific products and import statistical data for recent years had been provided to the Working Party.
关于近年来特定产品的税率和进口统计数据已向工作组提供。 zftrans

Temporary tariff rates may be applicable to export goods within a certain time period.
对出口货物在一定期限内可以实行暂定税率。 sh360




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