

单词 the Precambrian
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It is further suggested that point“ B” may serve as an optimum selection for defining the Precambrian- Cambrian boundary.
进一步讨论了“ B”点仍是划分前寒武系—寒武系界线的最佳选择。 cnki

S. Haldane, a pioneering British geneticist, replied: “ Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian era.”
霍尔丹,英国遗传学的先驱,他回答道:在前寒武纪的兔子化石就是了。 ecocn

The Precambrian- Cambrian transition is one of the critical time intervals in Earth history.
震旦-寒武交变期是地史上一个重大转折期,亦是一个具有特殊意义的过渡时期。 cagsbulletin

The early crustal evolution of North China craton can be well correlated with other continents, and its tectonic position within the Precambrian Supercontinet should be reconstructed.
华北克拉通区是世界大陆克拉通地壳的组成部分,与世界各大陆克拉通演化有很好的可对比性,在前寒武纪超级大陆重建中有一定位置。 cnki

The existence of the undeformed and unmetamorphed Precambrian dike swarms shows that the Precambrian North China Craton had been a rigid plate.
未变形未变质的前寒武纪岩墙群的存在表明前寒武纪华北克拉通已经具有了刚性板块的性质。 cnki

After the Precambrian, there are three eras setting apart on their fossil records of dominant life.
前寒武纪之后,根据主要生物化石纪录划分出3个代。 chinafanyi.com

Progress has been made in the long-term study on the Precambrian tectonic framework in South China.
华南前寒武纪构造格架在长期研究中不断取得进展。 cnki

There are abundant mineral resources in the Precambrian rock formations, on which the survival and development of mankind depend.
在前寒武纪岩层中蕴藏着丰富的矿藏,为人类的生存和发展提供了大量的有用资源。 geojournals

They are important structural features in the Precambrian metamorphic rocks.
它是前寒武纪变质岩内一种重要的构造现象。 dictall

When asked what observation would disprove the theory of evolution, J.B.S. Haldane, a pioneering British geneticist, replied: “ Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian era.”
当问及到什么样的观察资料和数据可以证实进化论, J.B.S霍尔丹,英国遗传学的先驱,他回答道:在前寒武纪的兔子化石就是了。 ecocn

The Precambrian intrusive rocks in western Shandong area mainly fall into two parts: the TaishanianArchean and the Aolaishanian early Proterozoic intrusive rocks.
鲁西地区的前寒武纪侵入岩分为太古代泰山期和早元古代傲徕山期二部分。 iciba

The first three eons, which together lasted nearly 4 billion years, are together known as the Precambrian.
前三个时期合起来持续了40亿年,合称为前寒武纪隐生宙。 yeeyan




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