

单词 baud
释义 baud 英bɔːd美bɔdAHDbôd

computer science a data transmission rate bits/second for modems以法国19世纪发明家Jean Baudot 名字命名的科学术语。Baud rate波特率baud conversion波特变换
近义词 Baud rate波特率

用作名词The resulting transfer rate is 110baud.最终的传输速率是110波特。as in.baud rate
同义词 bandwidth,modem speed
baud ratenoun data transmission rate
bandwidth,modem speed A 9600- baud serial console is not a particularly likely choice either.
波特率的串口终端并不是典型的选择。 ibm

The effect of full bit error on the baud rate is also analysed.
分析了整位误差对波特率误差的影响。 cnki

The error of baud rate setting is a very important parameter in serial communication.
波特率设置的误差是串行通讯中一个非常重要的参数。 cnki

The value chain concept of Michael baud opens up people's managing new thought.
迈克·波特的价值链概念为人们打开了管理的新思路。 cnki

The baud rate might not be equal to the bit rate, as a symbol might have more than two states.
波特率与比特率可能并不相同,因为一个符号可能包含两个以上的状态。 ibm

The baud rate of the machine is the number of symbols per second transferred.
计算机的波特率是指每秒传输的符号数目。 ibm

There are constraints on the CPU clock speed related to the baud rate.
波特率会对 CPU时钟速度产生限制。 zhlab

This dissertation analyses the market competition environment of Donghua by utilizing the model of industry competition of Baud.
运用波特的产业竞争力模型对东华公司的市场竞争环境进行系统分析和评价; iciba

Auto Baud Automatic speed recognition. The ability of a device to adapt to the data rate of a companion device at the other end of the link.
自动的波特自动速度确认。链路上一端设备使用该功能来适应另一端相应设备的数据速率。 kuenglish

CAN protocol provide the baud rate, the cycle of sampling points and the location of the programmable.
CAN通信中,CAN协议提供波特率、位周期内取样点数和位置的编程设置。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Don't try setting the baud rate on a directory, for example.
例如,不要尝试在目录上设置波特率。 ibm

Even the worst phone line can be enough to maintain a meagre but consistent data connection, sometimes at rates as low as300 baudbits per second— a term that is unknown to most people under30.
哪怕是最差的电话线也能承担起低速但是持续的数据交换服务,可能有的时候速率低至300B/s-一个在30岁以下年轻人闻所未闻的数量级。 ecocn

Here are some normal models and methods of the research to analysis the inner and outside business of the company: SWOT analysis, Baud model, Strategy choice matrix model, Competitive strategy model.
本文应用战略管理研究的一般方法和基本分析模型,包括: SWOT分析法、波特模型、战略选择矩阵模型、企业竞争战略基本模型等。 cnki

In this method, the data style and baud rate can be selected by software, which is quit easy.
在这种方法中,数据的格式、波特率的选择都是通过软件来实现,应用十分方便。 cnki

It provides hardware linking method, baud rate calculation and communication ports initialization.
给出了两机的硬件连接方式、波特率确定和软件对通信端口的初始化。 iciba

Most computers are set to a default of9600 baud, so this might not be an issue.
多数计算机默认设置为 9600波特,所以这可能不是个问题。 ibm

Suitable when enters male starts the clothing Aka baud.
宜在进公开始时服阿卡波特。 ilasan

This paper presents a method to determine the baud rate of a serial terminal by examining a single character received from that terminal.
给出了一种利用接收到的字符信息检测串行终端通信波特率的方法。 iciba

Upon designing the serial interface Baud rate of single chip machine in the traditional methods, we usually need using oscillator with special frequency.
传统方法设计单片机串行口波特率时,往往要使用特殊频率的晶振。 iciba

When the right coding mode is chosen, baud rate should be set more than digital signals transmission velocity, and the speech communication quality can be guaranteed.
在正确选择编码方式后,波特率设置为大于数字信号传输速率,可保证语音通信质量。 cnki




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