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词汇 stung
释义 stung 英stʌŋ美stʌŋAHDstŭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁸³⁹BNC¹⁹⁷¹⁰Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
aroused to impatience or anger;

made an irritated gesture

feeling nettled from the constant teasing

peeved about being left out

felt really pissed at her snootiness

riled no end by his lies

roiled by the delay

近义词 peeved恼怒的pissed忿怒的annoyed恼怒的steamed蒸熟的irritated恼怒的miffed稍有点恼火的…riled动词rile的过去式,动…nettled动词nettle的过去式…roiled动词roil的过去式,动…afflicted动词afflict的过去…
Her insultstunghim into making a rude reply.她侮辱了他,气得他粗鲁地反唇相讥。
Their tauntsstunghim to action/into fighting.他们冷嘲热讽惹得他采取了行动;。
His kneestungfrom the graze.他的膝盖擦伤后十分疼痛。
Her ingratitudestunghim.她的忘恩负义使他痛心。as in.sore
同义词 resentfulannoying,pressing,sensitive,smarting,upsetafflicted,aggrieved,annoyed,critical,distressing,grieved,grieving,indignant,irked,irritated,pained,peeved,troubled,urgent,vexed,weighty
反义词 delighted,good,happy,pleased,well
soreadjective angry;hurt mentally
sorestadjective angry;hurt mentally
afflicted,aggrieved,annoyed,annoying,critical,distressing,grieved,grieving,indignant,irked,irritated,pained,peeved,pressing,resentful,sensitive,smarting,stung,troubled,upset,urgent,vexed,weighty However, they stick their hand directly into tree hollows to remove the honey and honeycomb, whilst their entire body is stung by hundreds of bees.
他们用手直接伸入中空的树干里去取树蜜和蜜蜂窝,所以他们整个身躯都会被数以百计的密封叮蜇。 yeeyan

The whip stung him.
鞭打使他感到刺痛。 iciba

And a swift bee stung his hand and it swelled up.
并且一只敏捷的蜜蜂叮了他手一口。 他的手肿胀起来。 ebigear

For his forehead was burning up, the blood in his veins stung him, and there was a roaring in his ears.
因为他的头滚烫,血管里的血液刺扎着他,耳朵也嗡嗡作响。 yeeyan

He needs money urgently to get medical help for his baby who has just been stung by a scorpion.
他急切需要钱给刚给蝎子螫伤的孩子看病。 ebigear

I think I was so stung by his criticism because I had always admired him.
我想,正因为我一直仰慕他,所以他的批评,令我感到“很受伤”。 yeeyan

It comes six years after IBM sold its PC division to Lenovo, and NEC’s delay means it was stung with more losses and got less for the business.
正是六年前, IBM公司把它的个人电脑部门出售给了联想集团,因而, NEC公司的退出意味着它被业务上的高损失和低利润刺痛了。 ecocn

No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horror of being stung.
不管我们多么爱吃蜂蜜,或读过多少关于蜜蜂具有神秘的识别方向的灵感的书,我们仍然十分害怕被蜂蜇。 hjenglish

She bent hard on the path to the house, balling her fists and pumping them through the brambles and honeysuckle, not even caring if one plant stung and the other sweetened.
走在屋前小径上时,她使劲弯着腰,握起拳头一路捶打着荆棘和忍冬,根本不在意是否一种刺人一种迷人。 yeeyan

She was stung by one of roses.
她被其中一朵刺了一下。 ebigear

The air stung my face as I wiped away tears, remembering Dad, wishing I could ask him more questions.
当我擦拭眼泪时,海风刺痛我的脸庞,回想父亲时,我多么希望可以向他多问些问题。 yeeyan

The cold air stung the man’s work and time-worn hands, but he didn’t notice.
这寒冷的天气使他那双终年劳作、饱经风霜的手也感觉刺痛,但他没在意。 ebigear

There was no sign of the jellyfish on Wednesday, but since Sunday at least700 people have been stung.
星期三,我们并没有发现水母的踪迹,但是,从上周星期天以来,已经有700多人被蛰伤。 yeeyan

They may risk being stung for the sweet reward of honey, or out of curiosity for this fascinating insect.

They buzzed round the prince and stung his face and hands; angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, but he only touched the air and did not hit the gnats.
这些小虫子在王子的周围嗡嗡地叫,刺着他的脸和手。他一生气就抽出剑来,但是他只刺着不可捉摸的空气,刺不着蚊蚋。 hxen

To avoid being stung, stay away from the bees.
为免被刺,远离蜜蜂。 ebigear

With their tiny swords they stung the dragon again and again. The dragon's eyes began to swell and he could hardly see.
它们用细小的剑一次又一次地刺向巨龙,龙的眼睛肿了起来,几乎看不见了。 yeeyan

Yet the EPA is clearly stung by the criticism.
但是批评显然让环保局备受煎熬。 ecocn

Stung by social rejection, they took it out on other people.
他们遭到社会排斥而感到痛苦,就拿其他人出气。 awaker

Stung by Paul's “ treachery, ” some sections of the350, 000-strong crowd watching the game on giant screens in Berlin sang anti- octopus songs.
德国人被保罗的“背叛”深深刺伤后,在柏林的大屏幕前看球赛的350,000名观众中的一部分“过激分子”唱起了“反章鱼”之歌。 yeeyan




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