

单词 Strangelove
释义 Strangelove ˈstreindʒlʌv 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
The bunkers built by democratic governments at the time of the cold war were costly, numerous and, like Dr Strangelove himself, slightly absurd.
民主政府建于冷战时期的地下堡垒不计其数,耗资巨大,并且象奇爱博士一样,有点儿荒唐。 yeeyan

“ American Dreamz” isn't nearly as good as “ Strangelove, ” perhaps because it lacks its merciless ironic detachment.
“美国梦”搞得并不如“ Strangelove”好,大概因为它缺乏一种冷酷批判的理性。 bbs.24en.com

But it's the kind of Dr Strangelove you could see governments really using.
但你看到的政府任用的却就是这种奇爱博士。 yeeyan

But the editor doesn’t quite have absolute power: an invitation- only steering committee can impeach him in the unlikely event of a Strangelove scenario.
其实编辑也并非拥有绝对的权力:一个仅由受邀人员组成的指导委员会可以质疑编辑的偏执做法。 cnblogs

Can you imagine a dry, mirthless and completely joke- free Strangelove?
你能想象一部枯燥沉闷,完全没有笑料的《奇爱博士》吗? yeeyan

He also dreamed up the Doomsday Machine, a device that could destroy all life on Earth, which Kubrick used in Dr. Strangelove.
他还构想出一部可以消灭所有地球生命的末日机器,在《 Dr. Strangelove》里 Kubrick就使用了这个创意。 yeeyan

In 1967, the nuclear strategist Herman Kahn— one of the inspirations for Dr. Strangelove—coedited a volume called The Year 2000.
1967年,核战略家赫尔曼·卡恩与人合著了一本书:《2000年》——灵感来自于电影《奇爱博士》。 yeeyan

This was the third of Kubrick's films I worked on: I'd also been on set for Dr Strangelove and2001: A Space Odyssey.
这是我第三次为库布里克的电影工作了:我曾经参与了《奇爱博士》和《2001:太空漫游》的工作。 yeeyan

While nuclear apocalypse has long been a popular subject for books and movies, the Dr. Strangelove scenario is actually fairly unlikely.
虽然核灾难一直是书籍和电影的主题,而如 Dr. Strangelove的状况是完全不可能的。 yeeyan




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