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词汇 stow
释义 stow 英stəʊ美stoAHDstō

fill by packing tightly;

stow the cart

来自古英语 stow,地点,地方,位置,来自 Proto-Germanic*stowo,地方,放置处,来自 PIE*sta, 站立,建立,词源同 stand,stall.stow away不买票偷乘船放置…stow down装入stow wood楔木(垫木stow net长袋张网,插竿张网…Stow it!闭嘴!Stow your jaw!住口!别多嘴!别废话…
近义词 put放pack一群load负荷store商店pocket口袋deposit放置put away收拾tidy away收起某物

用作动词The cabin wasstowedwith supplies for the trip.舱里装满了航行用的必需品。
My big luggage couldstowall of your clothes.我的大旅行箱能装下你所有的衣服。
The bags beside the road arestowedwith sand and salt for putting on icy roads to make them safer.路旁的袋子里装满了沙和盐,以便用来撒在结冰的路面上使之较为安全。
Alwaysstowa dress shirt at the office.总是储备一件衬衫在办公室里。
Shestowedthe shoes away in a box under the bed.她把鞋子收到床下的盒子里。verb.reserve, store
同义词 put away,secrete,stash,tuckbundle,deposit,load,pack,stuff,warehousepack like sardines,top off
反义词 dispersethrow overboard,use,waste
concealverb hide;keep secret
beard,burrow,bury,cache,camouflage,cloak,couch,cover,cover up,disguise,dissemble,ditch,duck,ensconce,enshroud,harbor,hide,hole up,keep dark,keep secret,lie low,lurk,mask,masquerade,obscure,plant,put in a hole,put up a smokescreen,screen,secrete,shelter,skulk,slink,sneak,stash,stay out of sight,tuck away,veil,wrap
concealingverb hide, disguise
bearding,burrowing,burying,caching,camouflaging,cloaking,couching,covering,covering up,dissembling,ditching,ducking,ensconcing,enshrouding,harboring,holing up,keeping dark,keeping secret,lurking,lying low,masking,masquerading,obscuring,planting,putting in a hole,screening,secreting,sheltering,skulking,slinking,sneaking,stashing,staying out of sight,stowing,tucking away,veiling,wrapping
concealsverb hide, disguise
beards,buries,burrows,caches,camouflages,cloaks,couches,covers,covers up,dissembles,ditches,ducks,ensconces,enshrouds,harbors,holes up,keeps dark,keeps secret,lies low,lurks,masks,masquerades,obscures,plants,puts in a hole,screens,secretes,shelters,skulks,slinks,sneaks,stashes,stays out of sight,stows,tucks away,veils,wraps
depositverb locate, put in place for safekeeping
accumulate,amass,bank,collect,commit,deliver,ditch,drop,entrust,garner,give in trust,hoard,install,invest,keep,lay,lay away,park,place,plant,plop,plunk,plunk down,precipitate,put aside,put by,repose,rest,salt away,save,settle,sit down,sock away,squirrel away,stash,stock up,store,stow,transfer,treasure
harvestverb gathering of produce
accumulate,acquire,amass,bin,cache,collect,crop,cull,cut,garner,gather,get,glean,harrow,hoard,mow,pick,pile up,plow,pluck,reap,squirrel,stash,store,stow,strip,take in
loadverb burden, saddle
arrange,ballast,bear,carry,charge,chock,choke,containerize,cram,fill,flood,freight,glut,gorge,heap,heap up,jam,lade,lumber,mass,oversupply,pack,pile,pile it on,pile up,place,pour in,put aboard,ram in,stack,store,stow,stuff,surfeit,swamp,top,top off,weigh,weigh down,weight I’m off to France in the morning, and if you like, I can stow you away on my ship.
我早上要出发去法国.如果你愿意,我可以把你藏在船上带走. ebigear

Seeing exactly where your hard- earned money goes each month will reveal where you can cut the fat and how much you can safely stow away in savings.
准确的记录每个月辛辛苦苦挣来的钱都去了哪里,能够提示你哪些方面可以节约,你可以结余多少。 yeeyan

The repair plan calls for the astronauts to first remove the failed unit, temporarily stow it and then move the new pump into position.
修复计划要求宇航员首先移除损坏的单元并暂时存放,然后将新泵安装到位。 yeeyan

Stow away some money for a future business or career change.
试着积累一些资金,以便自己将来创业或者转行。 ebigear

But not everybody in Stow, a prosperous market town in the Cotswolds, welcomes the fair.
但是,并非在斯托的所有人对集市表示欢迎。 ecocn

England’s gypsiesof Romany extraction and travellers mainly from Irish Catholic backgrounds come to Stow in their thousands twice a year, in May and October, as they have done for over500 years.
英格兰地区的吉卜赛人吉普赛族裔和游牧族多为爱尔兰天主教背景分别与五月和十月、每年两次来到 Stow斯托。他们延续此习已逾500年。 ecocn

Fire ants often stow away in dirt in nursery stock or on pallets or earth-moving equipment.
火蚁经常搭乘移栽树木所带的泥土或者土方设备的托盘。 yeeyan

Here I put in, and having stow'd my Boat very safe, I went on Shore to look about me and see where I was.
我把小船停放妥当后,便上了岸。我环顾四周,看看到底到了什么地方。 ebigear

Initially the scrub- jays behaved as predicted, choosing to stow away the second food, which they had not just eaten.
起初这些林雀的行为与预料的一样,它们选择了储备那还没有吃到的第二种食物. ecocn

Installing Stow is very simple indeed.
安装 Stow确实非常简单。 ibm

Nevertheless, I learned to always stow my tools in my tool belt and to loop the extension cord around a limb.
不过,我认识到要永远把工具收进工具腰带,把延长线绕在一个手臂上。 yeeyan

She resides in Stow, Ohio.
她定居在俄亥俄州的 Stow。 yeeyan

Smaller sails are lighter, easier to hoist and trim, and smaller to stow.
小的帆面更轻,更容易升起和拉平,收储起来也更小。 yeeyan

The only requirements to install and run Stow are Stow itself and Perl version5.005 or higher.
安装和运行 Stow的唯一需求是 Stow本身和 Perl V5.005或更高版本。 ibm

Therefore it is possible later to stow the application once again to use it.
因此,稍后可以再次装载应用程序以使用它。 ibm

This default location is called the target directory in Stow terminology.
在 Stow术语中,该缺省位置称为目标目录。 ibm

This is a worthwhile investment for parents who later will not have to urge their children to stow their personal belongings!
对父母来说这是值得做的,这样以后就不必反复敦促孩子们要整理好个人物品。 yeeyan

To keep eggs fresher longer, stow' em low and in the carton they came in.
要使蛋的保鲜时间更长,把它们贮藏在低的位置和放在它们上市用的纸箱中。 yeeyan

When it comes to managing applications simply packaged in. tar files, Stow is the best bet.
当管理只打包成. tar文件的应用程序时, Stow是最佳选择。 ibm

With full- sized planes, the benefit should increase, as more people can stow their luggage simultaneously along the longer aisles.
如果全尺寸的飞机使用这个方法,那受益会更多,因为会有更多的乘客在更长的通道上同时安放他们的行李。 ecocn

Written in Perl and easy to install and use, Stow is simple yet effective for organizing and managing various software installations on a Linux box.
Stow是用 Perl编写的,易于安装和使用,它虽然简单,但对于在 Linux机器上组织和管理各种软件安装却很有效。 ibm

Stow can not only organize software installations, but it can also change any previous arrangement of software installations any number of times, as required.
Stow不仅可以组织软件安装,而且还可以根据需要任意次数地更改任何以前的软件安装布局。 ibm

Stow is handy for arranging different software packages in a well- organized directory tree structure.
Stow可以方便地将不同软件包安排在组织良好的目录树结构中。 ibm

Stow is a free, simple, and easy to use software installation management utility for Linux systems.
Stow是用于 Linux系统的一种免费、简单且易于使用的软件安装管理实用程序。 ibm

Stow is free software licensed under the GNU GPL General Public License, and flexible, customizable with ample user support and resources available.
Stow是遵循 GNU GPL通用公共许可证, General Public License的免费软件, 它灵活并且可以用充足的用户支持和可用资源进行定制。 ibm

Stow is one such utility for Linux.
Stow就是这样一种用于 Linux的实用程序。 ibm

Stow may also be used to perform multiple installations of the same application.
Stow还可用于执行同一应用程序的多次安装。 ibm

Stow suitcases and bags securely to prevent them from becoming deadly missiles in a crash.
安置好手提箱和行李袋,不要让它们成为火车碰撞时的“致命导弹”。 ebigear

Stow will simply remove the links pointing to the application installation and never delete any installation files.
Stow将只除去指向应用程序安装的链接,决不会删除任何安装文件。 ibm




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