

单词 deciphers
释义 de·ci·pher·s 英dɪ'saɪfəʳ美dɪ'saɪfər COCA¹²⁴⁰⁹⁷
convert code into ordinary languageread with difficulty;

Can you decipher this letter?

The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs

近义词 out出read识字solve解决crack破裂trace痕迹decode解码figure图形decrypt破译explain说明resolve解决unravel解开make out起草work out做出simplify简化interpret口译translate翻译unscramble整理figure out算出untangle解开纠结make sense of懂得puzzle out苦苦思索而弄清楚或解决…

用作及物动词He coulddeciphermilitary signals.他能破译军事信号。
We candecipherthe password intercepted by broadcasting station.我们能破译电台截获的密码。
Can youdecipherher scrawl?你能辩认出她乱写的是什么吗?
I can'tdecipherwhat is inscribed on the pillar.我认不出刻在柱子上的是什么。 The decipher circuit of the counter: Count deciphers and integrate on the chip together, count the pulse number in unit time, count the result of the decimal counter to translate into BCD yard;
计数器译码电路:计数译码集成在一块芯片上,计单位时间内脉冲个数,把十进制计数器计数结果译成 BCD码; dqzbysj

The listener then deciphers this according to his own reference of blueness and transmits it to you in his own cipher.
然后听者根据他自己对蓝色的理解来破解你的话,再用他自己的密码传达给你。 blog.sina.com.cn

The new development team, working night and day, deciphers it, maps it, and after much planning and design, tears the code to shreds.
新的开发队伍夜以继日地工作,破译代码然后映射代码,经过大量的规划与设计之后,人们将这些代码分割成碎片。 ibm

The user deciphers the error message and eventually discovers that a required element is missing.
用户通过理解错误消息,最终发现一项必需的元素缺失了。 ibm

This paper elaborates in detail the3 big concepts, deciphers the new sports concept that agrees with culture and education.
本文通过对这三大理念的具体阐述,解读了与文化、教育相契合的新的体育理念。 cnki

Chapter two of this thesis deeply deciphers the essential issue of surrogacy, namely, the matter of the reproductive right and autonomy.
文章的第二章,深入地挖掘代孕的实质问题,即生育权问题和自主权问题。 fabiao

Reveal: In charge of revealing BCD one yard of deciphers in the number .
显示:把 BCD码译码在数码管显示出来。 dqzbysj




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