

单词 stepped up
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名词 step-up:
the act of increasing somethingHestepped upso as to be able to speak.为看得更清楚,他上到高处。verb.accelerate
同义词 boost,escalate,hasten,improve,increase,intensify,quicken,raise,speedaugment,hurry,lift,shake up,speed up,up
反义词 decrease,diminish,halt,hurt,lessen,lower,slow,weakendecelerate,hinder And the Arab members of our coalition have stepped up and shown what can be achieved when we act together as equal partners.
联盟中的阿拉伯国家也挺身向前,向我们展示,如果我们作为平等的伙伴共同行动,可以取得怎样的成果。 kle100

The Bank of Japan has not only added unprecedented short- term liquidity, but more importantly has stepped up purchases of private credit and risk assets.
日本央行不仅增加了前所未有的大量流通货币,而且更重要的是,加紧对私人信贷和风险资产的购买。 ecocn

While this program existed before the tsunami devastated the region, it has been stepped up in order to allow local people a voice in the reconstruction process.
这一项目在该地区受灾前就已经开始实施了,但现在其进程有所加快,目的是使当地人在重建进程中拥有发言权。 worldbank

Although the greenback has been sliding for over five years, the pace of decline stepped up as the Fed slashed rates.
虽然在过去五年间美元一直在下滑,但是随着美联储大幅度减息,美元下降的速度不断加速。 ecocn

And although they come from a movement that spurns individual leadership, preferring group decision-making, key figures have stepped up to drive the peace process forward.
尽管他们来自一个排斥个体领导,倾向于集体决策的组织,但其关键人物已经在加速推进和平进程。 ecocn

At this point I stepped up my game and began to focus and imagine working there.
在那一刻,我加强游戏砝码,开始专注和想象在该公司工作的样子。 yeeyan

Both are important food crops, and as ethanol production is stepped up around the world, greater demand is driving up the prices of everything from animal feed to cola and biscuits.
后两种都是重要的食品庄稼,当全球乙醇产量幅度上升时,对原料的需求促使从畜牧喂料到可乐饮料到谷物面点等价格的全方位上涨。 ecocn

But we stepped up because we decided we were going to take the responsibility of changing it.
但是,我们接受了挑战,因为我们做出了决定,我们将担负起改变它的责任。 ebigear

Each time he took a step towards Iran, it stepped up its nuclear work.
每次布什向伊朗迈进一步,伊朗的核工作就更上层楼。 ecocn

He has stepped up the inspection of shops, bars and restaurants; obliged middle- class professionals to accept payment by cheque; and curbed the use by firms of offshore fiscal havens.
他加紧对商店,酒吧以及餐馆的视察,强迫中产阶级职业人员接受以支票形式支付的报酬;限制公司利用财政避风港。 ecocn

Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Jordan have all stepped up efforts to build stockpiles.
沙特阿拉伯、阿尔及利亚和约旦都在加速建立储备体系。 ecocn




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