

单词 doted on
释义 doted on短语⁵⁰⁷⁷⁶
Her natural disposition was intelligent, deeply doted on her parents, and had accepted the good cultural education.
生性聪慧,深受父母宠爱,接受了良好的文化教育。 cnki

If one day, before you pass my tomb, please send me a bunch of asters that I doted on most.
如果有一天,你经过我的墓前,请你为我送上一束我最为锺爱的翠菊。 jjwxc

It is natural that the grandparents doted on theirs grandchildren and we cannot ask them to change anything.
老人宠孙子这是自然的,不能要求他们改变什么。 xiaoshaizi.com

Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on Judy's children.
朱迪是他们惟一的孩子,因此他们自然溺爱朱迪的孩子。 lesun

She doted on Karen, and then, 20 months later, on Tilly as well, bringing clothes, toys, and stuffed animals for the girls.
她溺爱卡伦,一年零八个月之后,她也一样地溺爱蒂莉,不时地给孩子们带来衣服、玩具、动物公仔。 yeeyan

She's always doted on me, the poor dear, and I can't fault her for that. So I suppose I owe her.
她一直迷恋著我,可怜的甜心,这当然不是她的错,我觉得我有点亏欠她。 bspon

The queen doted on her.
王后最疼爱她。 dictall




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