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词汇 Stendhal
释义 Sten·dhal 英stenˈdɑːl, stæn-, stɑːŋ-美stɛnˈdɑl, stæn-, stɑŋ-AHDstĕn-dälʹ, stăn-, stä’- 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

French writer whose novels were the first to feature psychological analysis of the character 1783-1842 The Italian character created by Stendhal is a great contribution to the literary world.
司汤达塑造的“意大利性格”是对世界文坛的一大贡献。 cnki

“The first instrument of a people's genius is its language, ” UNESO points out in its proclamation, quoting Stendhal.

As another master, Stendhal, remarked in his autobiography“ Memoirs of an Egotist,” “ Great success is not possible without a certain degree of shamelessness, and even of out-and-out charlatanism.”
另一位大师司汤达在他的自传《自我中心回忆录》中说,“没有一定程度的无耻、甚至是不折不扣的江湖游医的骗术,要想取得巨大的成功是不可能的。” ecocn

He was, in fact, a remarkable novelist too. By following the realist tradition of Balzac, Stendhal and Flaubert Maupassant succeeded in bringing forth the new method of psychological description.

Lessing's early reading included Dickens, Scott, Stevenson, Kipling; later she discovered D.H. Lawrence, Stendhal, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky.
莱辛的早期阅读包狄根斯、斯科特、斯蒂文森、吉普林等,之后她发现了 D.H.劳伦斯, Stendhal Tolstoy Dostoevsky。 yeeyan

Mr Updike’s lodestar was Stendhal’s definition of a novel as “ a mirror that strolls along the highway”, taking in both the “ blue of the skies” and “ the mud puddles underfoot”.
厄普代克先生写作的指导思想则是司汤达对小说的定义“公路上的一面镜子”,既描写“天空的蔚蓝”,又描写“脚下的泥泞”。 ecocn

Restricted by the individual aesthetic standard mechanism, Stendhal lays emphasis on analysing the inner world of the characters, whose creations display internal tendency.
受个体审美心理机制的制约,司汤达侧重剖析人物内心的隐秘,创作显内倾性; cnki

So, I'll list Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Stendhal, Melville, Hemingway, Faulkner, Dos Passos, Proust, Zola, Mann, Goethe, and, oh yes—curses— Shakespeare!
所以说,托尔斯泰,陀思妥耶夫斯基,契科夫,司汤达,梅尔维尔,海明威,福克纳,多斯·帕索斯,普鲁斯特,佐拉,托马斯·曼,歌德,哦,对了,还有——逃不掉的——莎士比亚! yeeyan

This is a delightful work but not, I think, in the Stendhal syndrome category.
这确实是一件艺术珍品,但我认为这不应该用来研究司汤达综合症。 yeeyan

You can read a much more indepth article on stendhal syndrome here.
关于司汤达综合症,可以点击此处阅读更多深入内容。 famousnudelady

Stendhal, French novelist, author of The Red And The Black, was born at Grenoble.
法国小说家、《 红与黑》的作者司汤达诞生于格勒诺布尔。 iciba

Stendhal called Scott“ our father” who “ invented us all”.
司汤达称司各特是“虚拟了我们全部人生”的“我们的父亲”。 ecocn




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