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词汇 stategy
释义 stategy
Romance and all it'sstategyleaves me battling with my pride But through the insecurity some tenderness surves.浪漫和所有的悲剧让我与骄傲斗争,但是经历了所有的不确定,却有些须温柔存留。
In this paper,we have a study of exiting burst segmentationstategyand put forward a new composite burst assembly .对现有的突发包分割机制进行了研究,提出了一种新复合突发封装方法。
The status of tungsten resources and industry of Jiangxi are analysed,the developing orientation andstategyare put forward also.分析了江西钨资源现状和产业现状,提出了江西钨产业发展的定位及发展战略。
A space-time resource schedulingstategybased on the Block Diagonal algorithm is presented for Multi-Input and Multi-Output systems.摘要提出一种基于块对角算法的多输入多输出系统空时二维资源调度策略。
In marketstategy, Lanshan port always regards Linyi as the first region to accelerate their economic development, and carried out some practical means.在市场战略中,岚山港也一直把为临沂经济发展服务作为自己市场开拓的首选,采取了一系列行之有效的措施和办法。
Carlos Pascual and Kenneth Pollack, of the Brookings Institution, offer a sensible blueprint for a future Iraqstategythat emphasises the importance of containing the spillover from the mess there.布鲁金斯学会BrookingsInstitution的CarlosPascual和KennethPollack就美国未来的伊拉克战略提供了一个切实可行的计划,它强调伊拉克问题的复杂性以及控制区域冲突蔓延以防演化为大国矛盾的重要性。




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