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词汇 Prabhakaran
释义 PrabhakaranCOCA¹⁴²⁹⁴⁰BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
A large explosion in a bunker prompted speculation that Vellupillai Prabhakaran, the Tigers' leader, and other senior commanders may have killed themselves.
在一个掩体中发生的巨大爆炸引发的猜测认为,猛虎组织领导人 Vellupillai Prabhakaran普拉巴卡兰和其他一些高级指挥官已经自杀。 yeeyan

At issue is whether to concede that Mr Prabhakaran, whose pudgy corpse was displayed for television cameras by the army and then burned, is really dead.
军队向电视摄像机展示了他之后被火化的矮胖尸体,尚存争议的是:是否承认他真的已死。 ecocn

By the time Prabhakaran was felled by a bullet in his last redoubt, his war had claimed the lives of more than 100,000 Sri Lankans.
等到普氏在他最后的藏身之所被一颗神奇的子弹击中时,他的这场战争早已掳去十万斯里兰卡人的身家性命。 ecocn

Reports of Prabhakaran's death prompted celebrations in the capital, Colombo, but also protest at Britain's perceived support for the Tamils.
普拉巴卡兰的死讯一传开,斯里兰卡首都科伦坡便开始举行各种欢庆活动,不过,也有人举行示威游行,抗议英国支持“泰米尔猛虎组织”。 yeeyan

The Tigers’ last remnants were overwhelmed in the sliver of territory they still controlled, and their leaders, including the supremo, Velupillai Prabhakaran, were reported killed.
猛虎组织的残余势力在最后控制的零散区域中被击溃,同时据报导他们的领袖己被杀害,其中包括最高领导人Velupillai Prabhakaran。 ecocn

Their bloodthirsty leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, may be preparing a final showdown.
组织里嗜血的领导, Velupillai Prabhakaran可能正为最后的摊牌做准备. ecocn

They note how he qualified that pledge in a recent interview: the Tamil parties must“ realise that what we refused to give Prabhakaran, we won’t give to others.”
泰米尔人注意到他在最近的采访中这样描述这个承诺:泰米尔党必须“意识到我们拒绝给普拉巴卡兰的,也绝不会给其他人。” ecocn

“ Everyone who could had fled,” recalls Prabhakaran, the district relief official from Cuddalore district. “ Who was to cook, and where were we to get the stoves and gas for this?”
“能逃走的人都逃走了,” Prabhakaran回忆说:“由谁来做饭,我们又从哪里可以找到炉灶和煤气来做法呢?” worldbank

“ For weeks later, I kept5000 food packets ready at hand as one no- one knew when the need would arise,” Prabhakaran says.
“数周后,我手中的储备食品就达到5000包,因为当时没有人知道什么时候会有需求,” Prabhakaran说。 worldbank

A Sinhalese- chauvinist government suits Mr Prabhakaran, helping bolster Tamil support for the Tigers.
一个锡兰沙文主义政府适合 Prabhakaran先生,有益于为猛虎组织提供泰米尔人的支持。 ecocn

Above all, the government wants to wipe out the senior Tigers, including Velupillai Prabhakaran, a vicious supremo it reckons to be still alive and on the battlefield.
毕竟,政府希望彻底清除那些资深的猛虎成员,包括沃皮莱·普拉巴兰卡 Velupillai Prabhakaran——政府估计这个邪恶的领袖仍在生并且正在战场。 yeeyan

Among the craters were the remains of lush gardens, and lagoons filled with lilies, that might have made the sort of Tamil paradise Prabhakaran carried in his head.
那些弹坑里面埋着昔日繁茂花园的遗骸,淡水湖上则撒满了百合花,此地原本可以成为普氏心许的泰米尔天堂。 ecocn

But the books young Prabhakaran read, out on the veranda under the banana tree, were biographies of Alexander the Great and Napoleon.
但在香蕉树下的走廊上,年轻的普拉巴卡兰所读之书却是亚历山大大帝与拿破仑的传记。 ecocn

Earlier, the military confirmed the deaths of four other leaders of the LTTE, including Prabhakaran's eldest son, Charles Anthony. State television broadcast images said to be of Anthony's body.
在此之前,军方还证实了“猛虎”组织另外四个领导人的死亡消息,其中包括普拉巴卡兰的长子安东尼,国家电视台播放的图像据说确实是安东尼的尸体。 yeeyan

Earlier media reports said Prabhakaran was killed while trying to flee the war zone early Monday in an ambulance.

Few neutrals could regret the defeat of the Tigers and their brutal leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran.
中立方并不对猛虎组织和他们野蛮的领导人韦卢皮莱·普拉巴卡兰的失败感到遗憾。 ecocn

Given little to hope for by the government, even Tamil moderates, who have no reason to love Mr Prabhakaran, are more likely to support, or at least suffer, him.
由于政府给的希望很渺茫,即使是没有任何理由喜欢 Prabhakaran先生的泰米尔温和派,更加有可能支持他,或者至少能容忍他。 ecocn

His people, confined in the end to a beach in north-eastern Sri Lanka and shelled by the Sinhalese army, could not get away so easily from the mayhem Prabhakaran had drawn them into.
在斯里兰卡东北角的海滩上,他的子民已被僧伽罗人的炮火重重围困。这些人,绝难轻易摆脱普拉巴卡兰为他们刻画的炮灰命运。 topsage

In the north, however, Mr Prabhakaran runs a de facto state, with its own police force, justice system and tax regime.
然而在北方, Prabhakaran先生掌控一个事实上的国家,有自己的警察力量,司法系统以及税收体制。 ecocn

Mr Prabhakaran declared the election a Sinhalese affair, not for independence- seeking Tamils.
Prabhakaran先生宣布选举是锡兰人的事情,而不是寻求独立的泰米尔人的。 ecocn

Some hours later only a few bursts of firecrackers were heard in Colombo when state television aired footage of the dead Tiger supremo, Velupillai Prabhakaran.
几小时后,当国家电视台播出猛虎组织最高领导人韦卢皮莱•普拉巴卡兰尸体的画面时,在科伦坡只能听到零星的爆竹声了。 ecocn

Sri Lankan state television announced Monday that Tamil Tiger rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran is dead.

The government heightened the confusion by insisting that Prabhakaran had died in battle the previous day, a claim belied by the evidently fresh state of his corpse.
政府方面坚称,普拉巴卡兰是在先前一天的战斗中被击毙的,这番言论令人失望因为从他尸体上的血还是新鲜的,但却使情况愈加扑朔迷离。 yeeyan

The whereabouts of the Tigers’ leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, remained uncertain.
关于“猛虎”组织首领韦卢皮莱·普拉巴卡兰依然去向不明。 ecocn

This had represented a challenge to Mr Prabhakaran.
这对 Prabhakaran先生来说代表了挑战。 ecocn

Velupillai Prabhakaran, commander of the Tamil Tigers, died on May18th, aged54
韦卢皮莱·普拉巴卡兰,泰米尔猛虎解放组织首领,死于五月十八日,卒年五十四岁 ecocn

Velupillai Prabhakaran always said this was the moment, four years into the war in September1987, when he gave up any faith in non-violence.
韦卢皮莱·普拉巴卡兰常说,这正是他放弃非暴力信仰的时刻。那是1987年9月,战火纷纭已逾四年。 ecocn

Prabhakaran was shown with a single shot to the forehead, a cloth covering the top of his skull, which appeared to have been blown off.
电视画面显示,普拉巴卡兰的前额中了一枪,他的脑袋上盖了一块布,但这块布似乎已经差不多被吹掉了。 ecocn

Prabhakaran was shot dead after government troops moved into the last areas of territory held by the group, according to the Sri Lankan army.
斯军方说,当时政府军进攻到被“猛虎”组织占领的最后一寸领土,将普拉巴卡兰射杀。 yeeyan




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