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词汇 Star Trek
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And for those of you wondering if movies like Star Trek or The Hangover now have a shot, you are kidding yourself.
如果你们中的一些好奇,像《星际迷航》和《宿醉》这样的电影现在是否有获得提名的机会,你是在糊弄你自己。 yeeyan

And the wrong theory of the emotions is beautifully illustrated in the television and movie series Star Trek.

“ Star Trek” has been particularly influential.
《星际迷航》一直有非凡的影响力。 ecocn

Another piece of Star Trek technology has become a reality.
另一项《星际迷航》剧集中的科技变成了现实。 yeeyan

Before I left the contest, I gave Linda my Star Trek cardboard cutout as a consolation prize.
在我离开竞赛现场之前,我把我的《星际迷航》纸板的边角料作为安慰奖送给了琳达。 cri

But Edelstein noted some of the existing difficulties with creating an electromagnetic shield with any resemblance to“ Star Trek” technology.
不过埃德斯坦表示,以《星际旅行》中所展现的技术,建立电磁屏蔽盾还存在困难。 yeeyan

Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek series, once described his vision for the show as “ Wagon Train to the stars”.
有一次,《星际迷航记》系列的缔造者基恩·罗登贝瑞在描述该片时用了“驶向星空的《篷车》”的说法。 yeeyan

He also supervised work on two Star Trek movies, Star Trek episodes, and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
并且还参与了星际迷航电影、电视剧和加勒比海盗的视觉指导。 yeeyan

How much of a premium are you willing to shell out for something as cool as a Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter?
你愿意为像《星际迷航》的企业号比萨刀一样酷的玩意付多少钱? yeeyan

I’ve been watching Star Trek, Simpsons and Friends in Spanish, because I enjoy it.
我一直在看西班牙版的《星际旅行》,《辛普森一家》,还有《老友记》,就是因为我喜欢的缘故。 yeeyan

If even Star Trek can inspire a real-life wedding, there is no reason why Star Wars cannot.
如果《星际迷航》都可以鼓励粉丝在现实中举办一个婚礼,《星球大战》如果办不到的话就没道理了。 yeeyan

In the opening scene of2009’s Star Trek movie reboot, the Federation starship USS Kelvin is under attack by the Romulans.
《星际旅行》在2009重起炉灶。 在影片的开场,星联飞船 USS开尔文号遭到了罗穆兰人的攻击。 yeeyan

Indiana University lists Star Trek and Religion as one of its course offerings in the Arts and Humanities section.
印第安纳大学将“《星际迷航》与宗教”列为艺术与人文学科的选修课之一。 putclub

Is it a new Star Trek movie?

Is this the kind of thing in which Kirk and Spock from Star Trek would have an affair?
是不是《星际迷航》中的盖尔和斯波克也可以出现在同人小说中? yeeyan

It’s a Star Trek wedding between a Vulcan groom and a Klingon bride.
这是一场火神星新郎和克林贡族新娘之间的星际迷航婚礼。 yeeyan

It sounds like a Star Trek replicator, but it’s real and it’s happening right now.
这听起来像是星际迷航中的情节,但它是真实并且正在发生的。 yeeyan

Many people refer to“going where no man has gone before,” for example, without realizing that they are referencing Star Trek films.
例如,很多人会说到“去向前人未至的领域”,但并不知道这句话出自《星际迷航》系列电影。 yeeyan

That should be ready by2008—320 years earlier than the writers of“ Star Trek” predicted.
这种新型产品将于2008面问世,比《星际旅行》的作者所预计的时间提早了320年。 ecocn

The facts of the American space project and its Soviet counterpart elided seamlessly into the fantasy of“ Star Trek”1 and“2001: A Space Odyssey”2.
美国和苏联的空间项目的事实产生的成果天衣无缝地融入到“星际迷航”和“2001:太空冒险”这样的幻想中。 ecocn

You can get all of that wonderful Star Trek tech with none of its clunky looks.
你能够体验到《星际迷航》中所有让人称奇的技术,除了那笨重的耳机。 yeeyan

Zoe Saldana. From“ Star Trek” to“ Avatar,” she was easily one of the most beautiful female celebrities2010, despite what you think about James Cameron's environmental epic!
佐伊·索尔达娜。从“星际迷航”到“阿凡达”,她轻松地跻身于2010最美的十名女星之一,尽管你会想到詹姆斯·卡梅隆的生态史诗。 yeeyan

Star Trek, for example, continued to imitate geopolitics as it launched a phenomenally boring new TV series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, in 1987 it would end its run in 1994.
例如《星际迷航》仿效现实的地缘政治格局,1987年推出了一部明显很无聊的电视剧《星际迷航:下一代》,直到1994年才播完。 yeeyan

Star Trek fans, prepare to be disappointed.
《星际迷航》迷们可能要失望了。 yeeyan




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