

单词 stardom
释义 star·dom 英ˈstɑːdəm美ˈstɑrdəmAHDstärʹdəm ★☆☆☆☆高T八COCA¹⁹⁹¹⁷BNC²³¹⁷⁴iWeb¹⁷⁹⁹⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

the status of being acknowledged as a star;

stardom meant nothing to her

star,明星,-dom,表状态。蒋争熟词记忆star明星-dom名词后缀;表示地位…界⇒明星的地位;明星界star明星-dom名词后缀;表示地位…界⇒明星的地位;明星界近义词 fame名声glory光荣renown名望eminence显赫celebrity名人recognition承认prominence突出物

用作名词The movie catapulted him to internationalstardom.这部电影使他一跃成为国际明星。
She was plucked from obscurity to instantstardom.她在默默无闻中得到提携,转瞬成为明星。
He rocketed tostardomovernight.他一夜成名。
Jenny aspired to be astardomwhen she was a little girl.珍妮还是小女孩的时候就立志要当演员。noun.fame
同义词 acclaim,celebrity,glory,greatness,immortality,notoriety,popularity,prominence,recognition,renowndistinction,eminence,esteem,honor,illustriousness,nobility,preeminence,prestige,standingpublic esteem,éclat
反义词 obscurity,unimportance,lowliness
celebritiesnoun fame, notoriety
VIPS,aces,big cheeses,big deals,big guns,big names,big shots,big stuffs,bigwigs,celebs,cynosures,famous persons,figures,heavyweights,heroes,hotshots,immortals,lions,luminaries,magnates,mahatmas,major leaguers,names,notables,personages,personalities,somebodies,someones,stars,superstars,the cheeses,worthies
celebritynoun fame, notoriety
famenoun celebrity
acclaim,acclamation,account,acknowledgment,character,credit,dignity,distinction,elevation,eminence,esteem,estimation,exaltation,favor,glory,greatness,heyday,honor,illustriousness,immortality,kudos,laurels,luster,majesty,name,nobility,note,notoriety,place,popularity,position,preeminence,prominence,public esteem,rank,recognition,regard,renown,rep,report,reputation,repute,splendor,standing,stardom,station,superiority,éclat
famousnessnoun fame
renownnoun fame
reputenoun fame
acclaim,acclamation,account,acknowledgment,celebrity,character,credit,dignity,distinction,elevation,eminence,esteem,estimation,exaltation,famousness,favor,glory,greatness,heyday,honor,illustriousness,immortality,kudos,laurels,luster,majesty,name,nobility,note,notoriety,place,popularity,position,preeminence,prominence,public esteem,rank,recognition,regard,renown,rep,report,reputation,splendor,standing,stardom,station,superiority,éclat Child stardom, the great blessing and curse of his life, let him to internalize the medium's conventions and see its potential in a way that no earlier performer possibly could.
童星生涯,他一生中最大的幸运,也是最大的诅咒,使得杰克逊熟知电视媒体的规则,也使得他能够用之前的艺人们所不能的方式看到电视媒体的潜力所在。 yeeyan

His established stardom helped get his African- American face onto MTV, breaking what seemed like a color line, in what was a hugely beneficial step for both.
成为大明星帮助他这个非裔美国人在上 MTV台中露脸,似乎打破了有色人种的界限,这是对两者都极为有益的一大步。 yeeyan

The results of such marriages of stage and stardom have not always been ideal, as this past season alone can testify.
这种明星与舞台联姻的结果并不永远都是理想的,正如上一季度的证明。 yeeyan

What’s unhealthy is the constant struggle I see towards stardom.
不健康的是通往成名之路的持续的挣扎。 yeeyan

An octopus in Germany called Paul who has shot to stardom for his spot- on World Cup predictions forecast on Tuesday a quarter- final win by Germany over Argentina.
德国一只因准确预测世界杯赛果而一举成名的章鱼“保罗”于本周二又做出了新的预测:德国队将在四分之一决赛中打败阿根廷队。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Born in Hong Kong when it was still a British colony, Chan got his start in the island's film industry as an extra in martial arts movies, rising to stardom as an actor, director and singer.
出生在香港,当时仍旧是英国的殖民地,成龙的事业在这个岛屿的电影产业里作为武打电影的配角起步,最终以演员,导演,歌手的身份而成为一位超级巨星。 yeeyan

But if an actor can avoid that trap, there are serious benefits to movie stardom too, and Mr. Clooney seems to know how to exploit the advantage his good looks and charm have given him.
假如一个演员能够克服这个危险,那么电影明星的身份也就会带来很大的好处。克鲁尼看上去很清楚自己英俊的外貌和魅力能带来些什么好处。 yeeyan

But movie stardom proved not to be his destiny.
然而,事实证明演员并不是他的命运归宿。 yeeyan

Maybe once she’d dreamed of jazz- dance stardom, roses heaped on her Capezios, but keeping it real and teaching cardio ballet constituted triumphs enough.
她也许曾经梦想过成为爵士舞明星,玫瑰淹没她的舞鞋,可是现实点儿,她能执教有氧健身芭蕾舞已经算是成功了。 yeeyan

Others suggested that the pop queen might have used her wealth and stardom to bypass usual procedures and jump the queue.
另一些人则暗示流行天后可能利用她的财富和星光,绕过常规手续来插队。 yeeyan

Scottish spinster Susan Boyle shot to global stardom after she was discovered last year on the “ Britain's Got Talent” television show with her performance of “ I Dreamed a Dream” from “Les Miserables”.
去年,来自苏格兰的单身大妈苏珊•博伊尔在《英国达人》电视选秀节目中以《悲惨世界》中的一首《我曾有梦》红遍全球。 iciba

Shaikh, who is married to an Englishwoman and has five children, genuinely believed the gang were his friends and were grooming him for pop stardom.
谢赫和一名英国女子结婚,有五个孩子,他真诚地相信那帮人是他的朋友,要培养他成为流行音乐明星。 yeeyan

She is the only non- American in the top10 of microblogging stardom.
她是世界微博粉丝前10名中唯一一个非美国人。 forbeschina

That stardom even made her the subject of a recent Wired magazine article on the subject of self- promotion.
其演员的身份甚至使其成为某在线杂志的关于自我提升的主题。 yeeyan

The Nobel peace committee should retire, and turn over its huge funds to some international peace organization which is not awed by stardom and rhetoric, and which has some understanding of history.
诺贝尔和平委员会应该退休了,将其巨额资金转交给不畏惧权贵,不被华丽辞藻所蒙蔽,同时对历史也有一定认识的某个国际和平组织。 yeeyan

The players were greeted initially as national heroes, but their stardom was short- lived.
运动员起初被认为是国家的英雄,但是很快表演就谢幕了。 yeeyan

There are media stars who happen to be parents. And then there are those whose media stardom seems mostly rooted in that role.
有些媒体明星恰好是父母,而他们的明星身份似乎主要是因为父母这个角色。 yeeyan

This year Zhang’s two films, The Grand Master and Life Is a Miracle, are due to hit the cinemas; we will see whether this controversy-stricken actress will radiate her stardom again.
今年,章子怡出演的两部电影,《一代宗师》和《魔术外传》将与观众见面。 届时,这位倍具争议的女演员是否能在演艺界再次大放异彩,让我们拭目以待吧。 iciba

To aspiring celebrities, she is a springboard to stardom; to Middle America, she is nothing short of a lifestyle guru.
对于有抱负的名流来说,她是通往演艺道路的跳板;对于美国中产阶级来说,她又不啻为生活方式导师。 yeeyan

Watch the video to see what his family and former drama teacher have to say about his rapid rise to TV stardom!
通过录像看到了他的家人,和他的曾经的戏剧老师谈起了他迅速成长为电视明星之路。 yeeyan




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