

单词 spun
释义 spun 英spʌn美spʌnAHDspŭn ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA¹¹⁶⁰⁷BNC¹³⁰⁸⁴iWeb³²⁰⁶⁴Economist⁸⁶²⁸
名词 spin:
a swift whirling motion usually of a missilethe act of rotating rapidlya short drive in a carrapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spirala distinctive interpretation especially as used by politicians to sway public opinionspun glass玻璃纤维spun sugar棉花糖hard-spun指棉纱等织得很紧…spin使旋转black spun黑色着色纺丝…spun protein纺丝蛋白,纤维状蛋白…spun bearing离心浇铸轴承…spun rayon粘胶纱spun yarn细纱,短纤纱,松捻大…spun work压制工件spun silk绢丝spun pipe旋制管spun gold金丝spun concrete旋制混凝土spun cotton棉纱spun casting离心浇铸,离心铸造…

Shespunround to catch the ball.她飞快地转身接球。
Hespunus this unlikely yarn about being trapped for hours in a broken lift.他对我们胡诌在坏电梯中困了几个小时。
The little paper boat was caught in an eddy andspunround and round in the water.小纸船卷进了漩涡中,在水中直打转。
The beggarspuna long yarn about his misfortunes.那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
Dancersspunin a swirl of skirts.跳舞的人旋转着,裙子也不停地打转。as in.knitted
同义词 crocheted,meshed,purled,sewnstitchedwebbed,wovenweftedas in.netted
同义词 interwoven,mesh,wovenlacy
knittedadjective knit
nettedadjective webbed
interwoven,lacy,mesh,spun,woven A record turntable spun for days, logging “ mouse miles” in order to check the reliability of the electromechanical assembly.
记录并测试轴旋转达数天之久,让鼠标旋转达数英里之远,以检查机电组件的可靠性。 yeeyan

As a matter of fact almost all women spun whenever their hands were free of other chores.
事实上,只要手头没有其他的家庭杂务,几乎所有的女人都纺纱。 yeeyan

For the West, whose ties to Arab dictators once gave it great clout in the Middle East, events in the region have spun way out of control.
西方国家与阿拉伯独裁者关系紧密,这一度使其在中东有着巨大的势力,而现如今,情况已经超出了其控制范围。 ecocn

That created the expectation— though not the certainty— of a reward each time the virtual wheels spun.
尽管不是那么确定,但每次在虚拟的转盘转动时,它都引起了对奖赏的期望。 ecocn

The moon is thought to have formed closer to the Earth than it is now and spun faster, slowing down and moving away over time through tidal interactions with Earth.
月球曾被认为它形成的时候与地球的距离比现在要近,而且旋转比现在更快,它的减速和离去是因为长期和地球发生相互的潮汐的作用导致。 yeeyan

The tornado was a35-foot- long muslin stocking, spun around among miniatures of a Kansas farm and fields in a dusty atmosphere.
旋风是一条长35英寸的穆斯林长筒袜,在尘土飞扬的微型堪萨斯农场和田间旋转。 yeeyan

The winch spun quickly, and the crane raised its arm into the sky; nobody had believed that a crane with such a long arm could be built.
起重机的绞盘快速旋转着,抬起它长的难以置信的手臂伸向天空。 yeeyan

Yet, with the vague ideas I conjured up from the rest, I spun out a variously coloured thread on which to string the illustrations.
我以十分之一的模糊的了解,纺织出一条彩色的线条,把插图给穿连了起来。 yeeyan

And its flattened shape implies that Iapetus once spun very quickly, completing a rotation in16 hours.
并且它平坦的外形意味着其曾经旋转的很快,完成一个自转周期为16小时。 yeeyan

As the nebula collapsed because of its gravity, it spun faster and flattened into a disk.
随着由于重力引起的星云坍缩,它旋转得越来越快,并变成了盘状。 yeeyan

But this is an almost absurd distillation, the carefully spun fable of Soviet propaganda mills.
实际上这几乎是荒谬的片面之言,是苏联精心设计的宣传谎言。 yeeyan

Cotton fibers in Edwards’s lab, located at the agency’s Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, are being spun into all kinds of medically promising materials.
坐落在研究所设在新奥尔良南部地区实验中心的爱德华兹实验室里的棉花纤维被织成各种各样的医用替代材料。 yeeyan

He robbed my purse and I spun my uncle.
他抢了我的钱包我告诉了我的叔叔。 ebigear

He spun this fancy tale about how this beautiful maiden saved his life, but it was all bunkum.
美丽少女挽救了他的性命只不过是他编造出来的美丽童话,全都是骗人的。 yeeyan

He spun with excitement.
他兴奋的旋转起来。 ebigear

I spun around in my swivel chair and chatted with Jim.
我转动着我的旋转椅同一旁的吉姆聊起天来了。 yeeyan

I spun around, looked at her funny, then realized she was right.
我转身,奇怪的看着她,然后意识到她是对的。 yeeyan

I spun around and around. How had I not noticed this before?
我在屋里东转西转,我怎么在这之前没有发现呢? ebigear

If the star spun just20% faster, the centrifugal force would fling it apart.
如果该恒星的旋转加快仅仅20%,那么离心力就会其撕裂。 yeeyan

Industry insiders and local journalists describe how he has spun a protective web of financial ties that extends into the families of senior leaders.
业内人士和当地记者则描述了他是如何纺织了一张经济关系保护网的,这张保护网甚至延伸到了高层领导人的家属身上。 yeeyan

It is being spun by both governments as an historic achievement, and it certainly has its good points.
这作为历史性成就并由两国政府共同启动的,肯定是有其优点的。 ecocn

One of the beads was pinned to a glass surface so that as it spun the other rotated around it.
其中一个珠子用针固定在玻璃表面,它转动的时候另一颗珠子就会围绕着它旋转。 ecocn

So far Iran has evaded or strung out talks, as its uranium- enrichment machines have spun on.
到目前,由于伊朗铀浓缩设备已经开动起来,其一直在躲避或拖延谈判。 ecocn

The hope seems to be that, as their activities demand more capital, riskier investment banking will be reduced or spun out of banking groups.
达林先生这项计划意在减少业务需要更多资金,风险更大的投资银行数量或将其踢出银行业系统。 ecocn

The stars above broke through the canopy, streaming by like a meteor shower, and the world spun away swiftly from me in darkness.
头顶上的星星刺破天幕,如流星泻雨般飞驰,我周围的世界在黑暗中飞快地旋转开去。 ebigear

When the institute crashed the Smart into the Mercedes C-Class sedan, the Smart, which weighs half as much as the sedan, went airborne and spun around one and a half times.
当公路安全保险协会对奔驰精灵和梅赛德斯 C级轿车进行对撞时,只有对手车一半重量的奔驰精灵离地腾起并旋转了一圈半。 yeeyan

When, with a sudden injection of saxophones, the tempo quickened , he spun her out carefully, keeping the beat with his shoulders.
当音乐中突然加入了萨克斯管,节奏变快时,他小心地将她旋转起来,耸动着双肩打着拍子。 ebigear




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