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词汇 special agent
释义 special agent ˌspeʃlˈeɪdʒənt 短语⁵⁵⁶²

someone whose authority is limited to the special undertaking they have been instructed to perform反义词 general agent总代理
At12.01pm today, special agent Donald White will take a few small steps that will mark a giant leap for his country.
今天下午12点零壹分起,特工唐纳德.怀特的一小步将是整个国家的一大步。 yeeyan

Gina Costigan's voice crackled in Jack's headset once again. “ Special Agent Bauer?”
杰克的耳机里再度传来吉娜·科斯蒂根的声音:“鲍尔特工?” yeeyan

Ms. Lee entered on duty with the FBI as a special agent in 1986.
1986年,李作为一名特工进入联邦调查局。 yeeyan

The door had opened without a knock. Jason Ridley, Chappelle's young, dapper assistant, escorted FBI Special Agent Frank Hensley into the conference room.
没有敲门声门就开了,查普利衣冠楚楚的年轻助理贾森·里德利陪同 FBI特工弗兰克·汉斯莱走进会议室。 yeeyan

There was only one special agent from Chongqing in their gang and letting him escape was the only drawback in this battle.
他们那伙人里只有一个重庆特务,给他逃走了,是此役唯一的缺憾。 yeeyan

“ You've got to stay right here, Special Agent Bauer,” Chappelle said evenly.
你必须呆在这儿,鲍尔特工。 yeeyan

Dante Arete stared down the muzzle of Special Agent Hensley's weapon, eyes wide, lips beaded with sweat.
丹蒂·阿雷特盯着汉斯莱特工的枪口,眼睛瞪得大大的,嘴唇上沁出汗珠。 yeeyan

Hensley nodded. “ I heard you lost someone today, too, Special Agent Bauer.”
汉斯莱点点头:“我听说你今天也失去了一个同事,鲍尔特工。” yeeyan

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Brock Nicholson says that all of the victims fell into the same trap.
移民和海关执法局特工布罗克尼-科尔森说,所有的受害者都落入了同一个陷阱。 yeeyan

In Washington, D.C., Special Agent Hale enters the office of Special Agent Kellerman.
在华盛顿,特工 Hale走进特工 Kellerman的办公室。 yeeyan

Owens does look a little on the nerdy side, with happily unruly curly hair and glasses that somehow reminded me of the cult classic“Joe 90, ” in which a9-year-old becomes a special agent.
看上去欧文斯确实有点书生气,一头肆意杂乱无章的卷发,一副眼镜;不知为何,他的形象让我想起经典剧集《小飞谍》中那个9岁的小特工。 hxen

She was named Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the San Diego Division in 2005.
2005年,她被任命为FBI圣迭戈分部的副主管。 yeeyan

Take a seat, Special Agent Bauer.
坐吧,鲍尔特工。 yeeyan

They got in touch with a White House Special Agent who then contacted the British Embassy in Washington DC.
他们找到了白宫特工,特工随即联系了华盛顿特区的英国大使馆。 yeeyan

White listened as his friend Kevin Kline, an FBI special agent and one of the original members of the task force, was speaking to the law enforcement army.
怀特聆听着他的朋友凯文·克莱恩对这支整装待发的执法部队所做的战前动员。 jukuu

Special Agent X came to a cabin about two miles up the mountain.
某特工来到了山上大约两英里处的一间小屋。 zftrans




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