释义 |
interstellar space ˈintə:ˈsteləspeis 短语⁴¹⁰⁶² 基本英英例句Thesaurus 星际空间 天文奇观
Noun: the space between starsThere are other suns in outer space.在星际空间还有其它恒星。 The space between the stars is not some mythical void at all.恒星际空间根本不是人们凭空想象的虚空。as in.deep space 同义词 celestial spaces,cosmic space,cosmos,intercosmic space,intergalactic space,interplanetary space,metagalactic space,ocean of emptiness,outer space,region beyond Earth's solar system,the heavens,the universe,the void,the void aboveas in.outer space 同义词 cosmoscelestial spaces,cosmic space,deep space,empty space,ether space,infinite space,infinity,intercosmic space,intergalactic space,interplanetary space,metagalactic space,ocean of emptiness,pressureless space,the heavens,the void,the void above deep spacenoun outer space celestial spaces,cosmic space,cosmos,intercosmic space,intergalactic space,interplanetary space,metagalactic space,ocean of emptiness,outer space,region beyond Earth's solar system,the heavens,the universe,the void,the void above outer spacenoun the universe celestial spaces,cosmic space,cosmos,deep space,empty space,ether space,infinite space,infinity,intercosmic space,intergalactic space,interplanetary space,interstellar space,metagalactic space,ocean of emptiness,pressureless space,the heavens,the void,the void above |