

单词 barge in
释义 barge in bɑ:dʒin ★★☆☆☆高短语¹⁵⁹⁵²
闯入; 干预; 插话

enter uninvited; informal;

let's crash the party!

break into a conversation;

her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation

barge in闯入
近义词 crash撞击put in插入cut in切入intrude闯入butt in插嘴break in闯入chime in插话chisel in干涉gate-crash擅自入场
I hated tobarge inwithout an invitation.我讨厌不经邀请,擅自闯入。
I think I ought to cut in on what they are doing.我想我应该对他们所做的事情进行干预。
He didn't want to barge into any one's business.他不想干预任何人的事。
Please don't chop in as much as you're doing.请别老是这样没完没了地插话。
John chipped in that it was time to go home.约翰插话说,该回家了。verb.charge
同义词 break in,burst in,collide,infringe,interrupt,intrude,muscle in,push,shove,stumble
arriveverb come to a destination
access,alight,appear,attain,blow in,bob up,breeze in,bust in,buzz,check in,clock in,disembark,dismount,drop anchor,drop in,enter,fall by,fall in,get to,hit,hit town,land,make it,make the scene,pop in,pop up,pull in,punch the clock,reach,report,roll in,show,show up,sign in,sky in,take place,turn up,visit,wind up at
arrivesverb come to a destination
accesses,alights,appears,attains,barges in,blows in,bob up,breezes in,bust in,buzzes,checks in,clocks in,disembarks,dismounts,drop anchor,drops in,enters,falls by,falls in,gets to,hits,hits town,lands,makes it,makes the scene,pops in,pops up,pulls in,punches the clock,reaches,reports,rolls in,shows,shows up,sign in,sky in,takes place,turns up,visits,winds up at
break inverb intrude
barge in,breach,break and enter,burglarize,burgle,burst in,butt in,interfere,interject,interrupt,intervene,invade,meddle,raid,rob,steal,trespass
broke inverb intrude
accustomed,conditioned,educated,gentled,get used to,habituated,initiated,instructed,prepared,tamed
butt inverb meddle
barge in,bother,burst in,charge in,chisel in,cut in,disturb,get into the act,interject,interrupt,intrude,muscle in,pester,poke one's face in,pry,put one's two cents in
butted inverb meddle
barged in,bothered,burst in,charge in,chisel in,cut in,disturbed,got into the act,interjected,interrupted,intruded,muscle in,pestered,poked one's face in,pried,put one's two cents in What are you doing here? How did you get past Security? You can't just barge in.
你在这里做什么?你怎么通过安全检查的?你不能就这么硬闯进来。 douban

Don't barge in on our conversation.
在我们交谈时别插嘴。 jukuu

Don't barge in when we're talking.
我们谈话时,不要乱插嘴。 iciba

Don't barge in on a conversation.

Don't barge in where you're not wanted.

I hated to barge in without an invitation.

You can't just barge in there.
你真的不能闯进去那里。 www.soenglish.com.cn

You can't just barge in my room like that.
你不能像那样就闯入我的房间。 blog.sina.com.cn




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