

单词 stoic
释义 sto·ic 英ˈstəʊɪk美ˈstoɪkAHDstōʹĭk

a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno;

a Stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny

someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive;

stoic courage

stoic patience

a stoical sufferer

pertaining to Stoicism or its followers来自拉丁语 stoicus,来自希腊语 stoikos,斯多葛学派,来自 stoa,门廊,走廊,来自 PIE*sta,站 立,词源同 stand.该学派为古希腊哲学家 Zeno 创立的一个以苦修和朴素著称的学派,因 Zeno 于门廊讲学而得名。GRE红宝书斯多葛派学者是希腊哲学学校的成员, 他们认为: 人不应为情感所动, 而是把各种事情当作神意的不可避免的结果来坦然地接受
斯多葛派是古希腊哲学的一派,为芝诺约于公元前380年创立,认为人不应为情感所动,应把各种事情当作神意或自然法则的不可避免的结果来坦然接受;stock 树干,象树桩子一样生活,没有情感与欲望, 不受喜怒哀乐的影响
来自希腊哲学流派Sto ic斯多葛派,主张坚忍克己
GRE难词记忆stoic→Stoic n.斯多葛学派哲学家,主张坚忍克己,禁欲→禁欲者Stoicn.斯多葛学派哲学家,主张坚忍克己,禁欲⇒禁欲者来自希腊哲学流派Stoic斯多葛派,主张坚忍克己词根记忆来自古希腊斯多噶哲学派,主张以苦为乐GRE难词记忆stoic→I+cost v.花费→近义词 stoical坚忍的impassive无感情的

用作形容词Astoicperson responds to hardship with imperturbation.坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰然自若。adj.philosophic
同义词 aloof,apathetic,detached,impassive,indomitable,long-suffering,matter-of-fact,sober,unemotional,unflappablecalm,cool,dry,patientdispassionate,enduring,imperturbable,indifferent,phlegmatic,resigned,self-controlled,stoical,stolid,unconcerned,unmoved
反义词 caring,concerned,emotional,feeling,interested,responsive,agitated,excited
apatheticadjective uncaring, disinterested
blah,callous,cold,cool,could care less,couldn't care less,don't give a damn,draggy,emotionless,flat,impassive,indifferent,insensible,laid-back,languid,moony,passive,stolid,unconcerned,unemotional,unfeeling,uninterested,unmoved,unresponsive,untouched,what the hell,wimpy
impassiveadjective aloof, cool
incuriousadjective apathetic
blah,callous,cold,cool,could care less,couldn't care less,detached,don't give a damn,draggy,emotionless,flat,impassive,indifferent,insensible,laid-back,languid,lethargic,listless,moony,passive,phlegmatic,stoic,stolid,unconcerned,unemotional,unfeeling,uninterested,unmoved,unresponsive,untouched,what the hell,wimpy
matter-of-factadjective realistic, unembellished
more philosophicaladjective reflective
most philosophicaladjective reflective
abstract,calm,composed,deep,learned,logical,metaphysical,profound,rational,resigned,serene,stoic,temperate,thoughtful,wise An economy until recently dependent on peasant farming in harsh latitudes has shaped a stoic national character and an appetite for self- improvement.
在不久前还是依赖于高纬度地区农民经济的经济模式养成了恬淡的国民性格以及追求自我完善的欲望。 ecocn

But Seneca was one of the most famous first century Stoic philosophers.

George Papandreou pictured, the country’s stoic prime minister, has not only moved jobs around, he has restructured his government.
乔治·帕潘德里欧图上那位,希腊斯多葛派式总理,不仅屡换负责人岗位,还改组了领导下的政府。 ecocn

George Papandreou, the country’s stoic prime minister, has not only moved jobs around, he has restructured his government.
乔治·帕潘德里欧,希腊斯多葛派式总理,不仅屡换负责人岗位,还改组了领导下的政府。 putclub.com

The importance of his Meditations lies in their practical and aphoristic Stoic message.
《沉思录》的重要性在于其中实用性和格言式的斯多葛主义的启示。 yeeyan

The younger ones are more stoic, wondering if the supply line of spaghetti carbonara and shepherd's pie will be interrupted.
年幼的儿子则更加无动于衷,他们关心的只是意大利面条和牧羊人馅饼的供应会不会中断。 yeeyan

The Stoic philosophy was primarily concerned with living in accordance with both one’s own nature and universal Nature, perhaps best understood in the sense meant by Taoist philosophers of the East.
斯多葛哲学主要关注的是,人们的生活既要符合个人的本性,又要符合宇宙的本性。也许从东方道家的哲学家们的相关论述中能获得对此观念的最佳理解。 yeeyan

A loosely-organised set of thoughts relating to stoic philosophy, they nevertheless represent an example of a living ethic, of a teaching closer to religion than to philosophic speculation.
书中是有关斯多葛哲学思想的松散的集合,它们不仅代表了一种生活伦理的典范,而且更是一种接近宗教而非哲学思索的教义。 yeeyan

Arsenal's away fans were just as stoic at Old Trafford last month when Wenger's side slipped to an8-2 defeat against Manchester United and the Frenchman hopes his team can repay their loyalty soon.
今天来到客场的阿森纳球迷的表现和那场2比8惨败给曼联一样,还是那么坚忍克己,理智。 温格希望他的球队能尽快以好的表现来回报球迷。 yeeyan

Epictetus once received a visit from a certain magnificent orator going to Rome on a lawsuit, who wished to learn from the stoic something of his philosophy.
曾有一位杰出的雄辩家,当时正要赶往罗马打一场官司,途中前来拜访爱比克泰德,希望能够学到些许斯多葛学派的哲学思想。 yeeyan

He is a famous Stoic philosopher.
他是著名的斯多葛派哲学家。 iciba

I am aware that I sound like the biggest wuss on the planet but I hate leeches and continue with my display of stoic bravery and jungle survival skills.
我意识到自己是地球上最无用的人,我讨厌水蛭,只能继续表演我的沉着镇定和丛林逃生技能。 yeeyan

I imagine my father’s expression remained stoic through it all.
我回想父亲在当时游戏中的表情一直很坚定。 yeeyan

Its depiction of a strange and harsh society and its portrait of the stoic mother, O- lan, connected with the fears of ordinary Americans in the Depression.
这部小说描绘了一个奇怪而无情的社会和一位禁欲的母亲——阿兰,击中了大萧条中普通妇女恐惧的神经。 yeeyan

People of the Tohoku region are stoic, compassionate, calm and humble.
东北地区的人们坚忍顽强、平静怜悯、谦逊大度。 yeeyan

So, said Zeno the Stoic, don’t resist the change; learn to live with it.
因此,芝诺斯多葛派说,不要抵制变革,要学会与它共存。 yeeyan

Take the Stoic Greek philosopher Epictetus.
就拿古希腊的斯多葛学派的哲学家埃皮克提图来说。 yeeyan

The Epicurean philosophers, the Stoic philosophers, again, are very famous schools of philosophy.

The stoic sorts, by contrast, maintained more positive attitudes and more active lives despite their physical problems.
禁欲主义这种类型,与此相比,尽管身体上存在问题,但拥有更积极的态度和更积极的生活。 yeeyan

There are two ways of coping with fear: one is to diminish the external danger, and the other is to cultivate Stoic endurance.
有两种办法克服恐惧:一种是消除外在的危险,另一种是培养苦行僧式的承受力。 yeeyan

They destroy these helpless but stoic humans who are chafing under their tyrannical and unjust and uncaring rule. In the biblical story, when the Israelites told the story, they modified it.

This is similar to the Stoic idea that nothing is good or bad, except in the mind.
这跟提倡万物本没有善与恶的斯多亚思想很相似,只是它并不存在于我们的头脑中。 yeeyan




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