of soil soft and watery;the ground was boggy under foot
a marshy coastline
miry roads
wet mucky lowland
muddy barnyard
quaggy terrain
the sloughy edge of the pond
swampy bayous
having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking;the cake fell; it's a doughy mess
slow and apathetic;she was fat and inert
a sluggish worker
a mind grown torpid in old age
soggy bread未烤透的面包…
近义词 wet湿的mucky粪的damp潮湿的miry泥泞的muddy泥泞的moist潮湿的mushy糊状的soaked湿透的sloppy肥大的torpid迟钝的quaggy沼地的boggy似沼泽的sloughy泥泞的inert无行动的marshy沼泽般的swampy沼泽似的doughy面团似的sluggish缓慢的saturated饱和的sodden浑身湿透的sopping浑身湿透的squashy容易压坏的waterlogged浸满水的
用作形容词In the soggy ground his footsteps made the smallest sounds.他的脚步在潮湿的地上几乎没有声音。It 's soggy.太烂了⎤