

单词 snorting
释义 snort·ing 英snɔːt美snɔːrt 高COCA³³⁷⁴⁶BNC⁴³⁰⁸⁸iWeb⁵⁸⁰⁷⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. & vi. 喷鼻息以表示不耐烦,轻蔑等

force air violently out through the nose to show impatience,contempt,etc.

C 喷鼻息,鼻息声

act or sound of snorting

a disrespectful laugha cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
indicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nose;

she snorted her disapproval of the proposed bridegroom

make a snorting sound by exhaling hard;

The critic snorted contemptuously

inhale recreational drugs;

The addict was snorting cocaine almost every day

the kids were huffing glue

inhale through the noseshort snort快饮snort valve放风阀snort wheel放风阀绳轮
近义词 bird鸟sniff嗅pant喘息shot注射hiss嘘声huff气恼grunt咕哝snore打鼾exhale呼气inhale吸入expire终止snivel啼哭breath呼吸hoot鸣笛声razz轻蔑声breathe呼吸snicker窃笑snigger暗笑snuffle抽鼻子sniffle吸鼻涕razzing倒彩声breathe in吸进inhalation吸入exhalation呼气breathe out呼出raspberry覆盆子Bronx cheer讥讽声splutter杂乱而仓促的话…draw in火车、汽车进站…boo表示不满、轻蔑等嘘…
S+~+AThe horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently.这匹马呼哧呼哧地喷着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子。
S+ ~+n./pron.He snorted his disapproval.他哼了一声以示反对。用作名词n.He gave a snort of derision.他哼了一下鼻子表示嘲笑。
用作动词The horsesnortedand stamped its hoof impatiently.这匹马呼哧呼哧地喘着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子。
Hesnortedout a reply.他气呼呼地回答。
I'm not going tosnortcocaine,okay ?我才不会用鼻子吸可卡因,好吗?用作名词As he rolled over on his elbow, he heard a loudsnort.当他用肘部支撑着翻过身来时,他听到一阵清晰的鼻息声。
He gave asnortof derision.他哼了一下鼻子表示嘲笑。
At last he threw down the newspaper with asnort.最后,他气愤地哼了一声,把报纸推到一旁。verb.make nose sound
同义词 gruntblow,breathe,drink,laugh,pant,puff,snore,sound
反义词 hide,secret
breatheverb take air in and let out
draw in,exhale,expire,fan,gasp,gulp,inhale,insufflate,open the floodgates,pant,puff,respire,scent,sigh,sniff,snore,snort,use lungs,wheeze
chortleverb laugh gleefully
chortledverb laugh gleefully
gaspverb draw breath in sharply
blow,catch one's breath,choke,convulse,fight for breath,gulp,heave,inhale,inspire,pant,puff,respire,sniffle,snort,wheeze,whoop
gaspedverb draw breath in sharply
blew,caught one's breath,choked,convulsed,fought for breath,gulped,heaved,inhaled,inspired,panted,puffed,respired,sniffled,snorted,wheezed,whooped
gaspsverb draw breath in sharply
blows,catches one's breath,chokes,convulses,fights for breath,gulps,heaves,inhales,inspires,pants,puffs,respires,sniffles,snorts,wheezes,whoops Finally, he was awoken by the sound of snorting reindeer. A group of Laps had arrived, and under German fire, they dragged him to Sweden.
最终,驯鹿的鼻息声吵醒了他。一群拉普兰人到来了,并在德军的炮火声中把他带回了瑞典。 yeeyan

Finally, he was awoken by the sound of snorting reindeer.
最终,驯鹿的鼻息声吵醒了他。 yeeyan

Government data suggests consumers are emerging from their shells: Layoffs are declining, and the bulls on Wall Street are snorting that the stock market is poised for a long upward charge.
政府数据显示,消费者正在摆脱困境,裁员人数有所减少,华尔街正值牛市,为日益增长的长期投资做好了万全的准备。 yeeyan

His mother confirms she found her son snorting Xanax earlier in the day.
他的母亲证实,她发现他的儿子在当天的早些时候吸食过 Xanax。 yeeyan

If a female starts wandering out of a male's territory, the male will begin snorting and staring, ears pricked, at nonexistent predators.
当一只雌性徘徊于雄性领地时,雄羚羊会假意向并不存在的捕食者发出鼻息、竖起耳朵,目不转睛地盯着前方等动作。 ng.trends.com.cn

It was hardly a call to start snorting—and Mr Calderón subsequently made clear that he was opposed to the“ absurd” idea of allowing millions more people to become addicted.
这是让毒品合法化变得难以实现的要求,随后卡尔德隆总统明确表示自己反对这个让数百万民众成为瘾君子的荒谬提议。 ecocn

Just last week, we heard that snorting stem cells might be the best way to get them into your noggin.
就在上周,我们了解到鼻腔吸食是使干细胞进入脑部的最好方法。 yeeyan

Listen for alarm calls, snorting breath, splashing water and changes in the activity of other creatures.
注意倾听动物惊恐的吼叫,打鼾声,泼水声和其他动物姿态的变化。 yeeyan

Now, celebrities caught snorting cocaine might also be able to blame their parents.
而现在,那些吸食可卡因的名人们也可以怪罪父母了。 yeeyan

Outrun a pack of angry snorting bulls to prove your courage in the famous Running of the Bulls Festival!
数码巧克力带来的一款非常有趣的游戏,参加西班牙传统节日奔牛节,从愤怒的公牛追赶中逃脱来证明你的勇气。 nokia.zol.com.cn

Paper money can pick up cocaine particles directly from users snorting the drug through rolled up bills, or from the handling of cash during drug deals.
纸币上的可卡因粉末直接来源于吸毒者卷起钞票用鼻子吸食毒品的行为,同时也来源于毒品交易中纸币的传递。 yeeyan

Reds striker Robbie Fowler, known to Kop fans as God, showed he could be a bit of a devil as he celebrated a goal against Everton by getting down on all fours and miming the act of snorting cocaine.
红军前锋罗比福勒,被红军粉丝称为上帝,在与埃弗顿比赛进球后的庆祝可以表明他能给魔鬼一击。他四肢趴地,模仿着吸食可卡因的动作。 yeeyan

Stop smacking your lips and licking your fingers and snorting while you eat chips two feet away from me!
不要再咂你的嘴,舔你的手指,流你的鼻涕! 在你吃薯片时离我远点! yeeyan

The buffalo started snorting and walking with the lioness on its back trying to escape.
水牛打着响鼻打算夺路而逃,狮子还趴在它的背上。 yeeyan

The girls were snorting coke in the dressing room, and the bouncers seemed more malicious and oversexed than the customers.
姑娘们在更衣室里吸可卡因,保镖们看起来比顾客还心怀不轨蠢蠢欲动。 yeeyan

The devil had seized her ankle, Nelly: I heard his abominable snorting.
这个魔鬼咬住了她的脚踝了,耐莉,我听见它那讨厌的鼻音。 ebigear

The drug addict was snorting cocaine every night.
这个瘾君子每天晚上都用鼻吸食可卡因。 iciba

Thus meet the snorting traditional cigarette identical to the physiological and psychological needs.
从而达到满足吸食传统香烟完全相同的生理和心理需求。 hitaozu

When the bear scrambled out, snorting and angry, the hunters would lean around the tree and shoot it.
当熊喘着粗气愤怒地爬出树洞时,猎熊者就会在树后探出头来射杀它。 yeeyan




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