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词汇 silent
释义 si·lent 英ˈsaɪlənt美ˈsaɪləntAHDsīʹlənt ★★★☆☆小初中高四六研I牛4COCA²⁵⁹³BNC²³⁹⁹iWeb⁴²²⁰Economist⁴⁶⁷³


free from noise; quiet


not speaking or using spoken expression


of a letter in a word not having a sound; not pronounced

marked by absence of sound;

a silent house

soundless footsteps on the grass

the night was still

failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to;

the witness remained silent

implied by or inferred from actions or statements;

gave silent consent

a tacit agreement

the understood provisos of a custody agreement

not made to sound;

the silent `h' at the beginning of `honor'

in French certain letters are often unsounded

having a frequency below or above the range of human audibility;

a silent dog whistle

unable to speak because of hereditary deafness

❌ Please be silence.

✔️ Please be silent.


silent, calm, peaceful, quiet, still


1.在修饰环境时各词所指的状态为:calm指风平浪静; peaceful指没有战争或骚乱; quiet指没有吵闹干扰; still指完全没有声音。例如:

The sea was calm yesterday.昨天海水是平静的。
Countries should settle their disputes by peaceful means.各国应通过和平手段解决他们的争端。
Differences among them could have been reconciled by them through peaceful consultations.他们中间的分歧本来可以由他们和平协商调解。
He had a bad headache and needed being quiet.他头疼得厉害,需要安静。
Everything was deadly still.万籁俱寂。

2.在修饰人时:calm指人心平气和,毫不激动; peaceful表示“安详的”“温和的”; quiet指性情温和、安静等,有时也指人的闲散或不活动; still指“一动不动”; silent侧重“沉默”“不说话”,但不一定不动。例如:

The teacher is peaceful when the student appeared.当这个学生出现时,这个老师很温和。
We should keep quiet in the hospital.在医院里我们应该保持安静。
His hands were never still.他的双手一刻也不停。
We've been silent for too long. It's time to speak out.我们沉默得太久了,现在是大胆地发表意见的时候了。
She sat silent in her own room.她在自己的房间里一动不动地坐着。silent, reticent, taciturn


silent指有沉默寡言的特点,只说必须说的话,但也可指在某一场合因为某种缘故而不说话; taciturn意为不爱说话,天性倾向于沉默; reticent意为不把所知道的事情说出,尤指对私事秘而不宣。例如:

He is a taciturn man who dislikes parties.他是一个不喜欢聚会、天性沉默寡言的人。
He is reticent about his early life.他对自己早年的生活秘而不宣。quiet,calm,silent,still,noiseless,peaceful,serene









来自拉丁语 silere,安静的,-ent,形容词后缀。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词silent audience无言的观众silent film无声电影silent forest寂静的森林silent night寂静的夜silent prayer默默的祈祷silent assent默许silent opposition默默的反对silent reading默读silent room寂静的房间silent type沉默型silent volcano静止的火山副词+~absolutely silent绝对沉默often silent常常不发音strangely silent奇怪地沉默usually silent通常不发音动词+~fall silent沉默下来keep silent沉默不语remain silent保持沉默,保持安静sit silent静坐着~+介词silent about对…保持沉默的silent about what happened对发生的事情默不作声silent as to the subject未提及这个问题silent of the subject未提及这问题silent on〔upon〕对…保持沉默的
用作形容词adj.silent about

对…未提到 do not refer to sth

silent as the grave

寂静无声的,像坟墓一样沉寂 completely silent, perhaps suggesting mystery

silent on

对…保持沉默 not give one's opinion on sth

sil安静,沉默+ent形容词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing⇒沉默的,寂静的。非常记忆sile撕了+nt那天⇒他无声无息地撕了那天放门口的伞近义词 idlequietwordlessnoiselesssoundless反义词 noisyactivelivelyexciteddeclared
~+ n.His own cry, which clattered down the silent ravines, was borne back to his ears in the countless repetitions.他自己的叫声在寂静的山谷回响,一而再,再而三地传回到他耳中。
The cat moved on silent feet.那只猫无声地走动着。
It was a silent film.那是一部无声电影。
A silent movie doesn't mean it is motionless.无声电影并非没有动作。
She was a famous star of the silent movies.她是无声电影的明星。
He is a strong, silent type.他是个坚强沉默型的人。
He is a silent, thoughtful boy.他是一个沉默多思的孩子。
The “e” in“ time” is a silent letter.time中的e不发音。
S+be+~It was deep silent in the forest.森林深处寂静无声。
He motioned to me to be silent.他打手势叫我别出声。
When it is operating, this dishwasher is almost silent.这种洗碟机工作时几乎不发出一点声响。
When he came, he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away.他来时默默无言,郁郁不乐,冷嘲热讽一通之后就走了。
He was silent at first, but soon he opened up and told us about his terrible experiences.他一开始沉默不语,但不久便开口讲起他那些可怕的经历。
Gradually he became silent.渐渐地他变得沉默寡言了。
His voice choked at the painful memory and he fell silent.这些痛苦的回忆使他声音哽咽,他沉默下来。
Do you know when to keep silent?你知道什么时候该保持沉默吗?
There are a lot of rumors about him but he keeps silent and never hits back at anyone.有许多关于他的流言,可是他一直对此保持沉默,从不回击。
It is preferable to remainsilent.保持沉默是上策。
S+V+O+~His speech held themsilent.他的演讲使他们寂静无声。Psilentsn.无声电影





用作形容词Would you be good enough to keepsilent?请你保持安静好吗?
The old house was quitesilent.这所旧房子非常寂静。
We sailed into a beautiful andsilentbay.我们驶进一个美丽而安静的海湾。
She was asilentgirl, cool and remote.她是一个沉默寡言的女孩,对人冷漠而孤傲。
I represent thesilentmajority.我代表沉默的大多数。
If you are arrested you have the right to remainsilent.如果你被捕,你有权保持沉默。
She was blind to thesilentworship in his eyes.她没有发觉他眼里流露出的无声的敬慕之情。adj.quiet;speechless
同义词 hushed,mum,mute,restrained,reticentbashful,buttoned-up,checked,clammed up,close,closed-up,closemouthed,curbed,dumb,dummied up,faint,hush,iced,inarticulate,incoherent,inconversable,indistinct,inhibited,laconic,mousy,muted,noiseless,nonvocal,not talkative,reserved,shy,silentious,soundless,still,struck dumb,taciturn,tongue-tied,unclear,uncommunicative,unheard,unsociable,unspeaking,voiceless,wordless,zipped
反义词 clamorous,communicative,explicit,noisy,talkative,tangibleadj.understood, implied
同义词 aphonic,implicit,indescribable,inexpressible,nameless,tacit,unexpressed,unpronounced,unspoken,unuttered,unvoiced,wordless
反义词 clamorous,communicative,explicit,noisy,talkative,tangible
aphonicadjective voiceless
bashfuladjective shy
catlikeadjective like a cat
closeadjective secretive, reserved
buttoned-up,buttoning one's lip,clamming up,close-lipped,closemouthed,hidden,hush-hush,mum's the word,private,reticent,retired,secluded,secretive,silent,taciturn,tight chops,tight-lipped,uncommunicative,unforthcoming,zipping one's lips
close-mouthedadjective tightlipped
demureadjective reserved, affected
backward,bashful,blushing,close,coy,decorous,diffident,earnest,humble,modest,nice,prim,prissy,proper,prudish,reticent,retiring,sedate,serious,shy,silent,skittish,sober,solemn,staid,strait-laced,timid,unassertive,unassuming,unassured But I remained silent.
不过,我保持沉默。 yeeyan

The swan is mostly silent through its life. It floats quietly on the water, unable to sing sweet songs like most other birds.
天鹅一生大多数时间是安静的,它静静地漂浮在水面上,无法像大多数其他鸟类一样唱出甜美的歌声。 ebigear

“ I have remained silent in the face of these injustices; but no longer so,” he declares.
他宣布道:“面对这些不公,我过去一直保持着沉默;但现在不再沉默了。” ecocn

A silent killer lurks beneath the surface of this West African lake.
在这个西非洲湖泊的表面下潜藏着一个无声的杀手。 yeeyan

At once there is a hush in the air, as though the street is singing a silent benediction. Tall, leafy mangroves line both sides of the road.
然后突然周围的空气都安静了下来:高大茂盛的红树整齐地排列在路两边,就好像街道在唱着一首无声的祝福曲。 yeeyan

But it was silent on the delicate issue of how to inform the public.
但白宫对于如何告知公众这一敏感问题仍保持沉默。 yeeyan

For four nights I have endured their Orc shrieks from the other side of the hotel wall; now all is silent.
四天夜里,我常常忍受他们从旅馆墙的另一边传来的兽人般的尖叫,现在一切安静了。 yeeyan

He kept silent over the matter in order not to lose his job.
他对这件事保持沉默是为了不丢掉他的这份工作。 ebigear

I stayed outside, on the wooden porch, to consider the frozen mystery of the seracs at my feet until everything had vanished behind silent ghosts of fog, and then I went in.
我呆在外面木制的门廊里,仔细想着脚下封冻的冰雪柱的神秘性,待一切都在寂静的雾幕般的幽灵消失后,我才进了屋。 yeeyan

If I keep silent then the next day it will be my child.
如果我保持沉默,下一天受害的将是我的孩子。 yeeyan

Immediately on his beginning to speak, everyone was silent.

It is important not to give any emotions to that silent voice as well as to negative thoughts because your emotions fuel that negativity.
千万不要回应那无声的声音或者消极的想法,这一点很重要,因为你的回应会助长消极情绪的火焰。 yeeyan

One is to install stronger case fans and the other is to install a silent CPU fan.
一个是安装一个更强的机箱风扇,另一个是安装一个安静的 CPU风扇。 yeeyan

Our intelligence operates at two levels? one is the noisy mind and the next is the silent space of stillness within us.
我们的智能在两个层面上运作,一个是聒噪的大脑,另一个是我们内心的无声的宁静空间。 kekenet

She emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.

She spoke to Ole and hoped for an answer, but Ole was silent and gave no sign of his presence.
她呼唤着奥立,希望能听到一声回答,可是奥立沉默着,没有给出一点他存在的迹象。 joyen

She was silent, refusing to disclose anything about her life at home.
她很沉默,拒绝透露所有关于她在家里的生活情况。 yeeyan

Stay silent about what you like best.
对你最爱的姿势保持沉默。 yeeyan

That way those who share the terrorists’ religion or race are less likely to be silent accomplices. More could act as sources themselves.
这样的话那些与恐怖分子同一宗教或种族的人不大可能是沉默的同伙,更可能扮演源头的角色。 ecocn

The princess hated the woman behind that silent door.
公主恨透了寂静的门后那个女人。 putclub

The real in us is silent; the acquired is talkative.
我们的真实的我是沉默的;后天的我是多嘴的。 ebigear

There is also an adult with them, I assume a father or uncle. He is silent.
此外,还有一个沉默的成年人陪伴着他们,我猜想可能是父亲或叔叔。 yeeyan

Though the wave of words is forever upon us, yet our depth is forever silent.
虽然言语的波浪永远在我们上面喧哗,而我们的深处却永远是沉默的。 ebigear

Turn away my silent guest I cannot.
我不能回绝我的沉默的客人。 examw

When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobics.
当我们不再沉默的时候,你们说我们是被洗脑了。 ebigear

When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.
当我们沉默的时候,你们说你们想让我们言论自由。 ebigear

Silent dissenters may not have yet dared voice their doubts.
沉默的反对者可能不敢说出他们的疑问。 ibm




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