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释义 Japanese movie
TOKYO, AP) We're not talking about the real fictionalJapanese moviecharacter named Godzilla.我们现在谈的可不是日本电影里真正的虚构角色哥斯拉。
I remember the famous line in theJapanese movie“Dancing Dragnet” ,which was a big hit some years ago, The incident doesn't happen in the meeting room but on the spot.我就想起几年以前大受欢迎的日本电影“跳跃大搜查线”里的台词,“案件不是在会议室发生的,而是在现场发生的。”
TOKYO, AP) We're not talking about the real fictionalJapanese moviecharacter named Godzilla. We're talking about the canned meat, which is actually just corned beef.我们现在谈的可不是日本电影里真正的虚构角色哥斯拉。我们谈的是罐头肉类,其实就是咸牛肉。
Unlike mostJapanese moviestars, Asano has refused to do any of the ubiquitous TV game shows or sit down for tedious taidan with other tarento.He has played the loner miscast in his own profession.不同于大多数日本电影明星,浅野从不参加那些泛滥的电视娱乐节目,或是同其他艺人坐客冗长无聊的话题聊天,他在自己的事业里扮演着错位的独角。
Depending on these honor, Takeshi Kitano becomes one which of the best directors after Heizeming, Nagisa Oshima, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu, Shouhei Imamura in theJapanese moviehistory.凭借这些荣誉,北野武成为日本电影史上继黑泽明、大岛渚、沟口健二、小津安二郎、今村昌平之后的最受欢迎的导演之一。
The topic thought study of Akira Kurosawa’s films relates to the characteristic of the the Japanese movies and the difference between the easten culture and the western culture.黑泽明电影主题思想研究既关系到日本电影的特质,又关系到东西方文化的差异,是一个非常重要但未能深入的课题。




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