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词汇 ACD
释义 ACDCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Among tools for analyzing high frequency financial data, the extensive ACD model is a very important one.
扩展的 ACD模型是金融高频数据分析的一种重要方法。 dictall

Apart from that first step, Thaksin had initiated a series of cooperation agreements, like Asia Cooperation Dialogue ACD and Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation GMS .
此基础上,他信政府提出了一系列对外合作倡议,如亚洲合作对话 ACD、大湄公河次区域经济合作 GMS等。 iciba

Because the nonparametric ACD model does not rely on the functional form of conditional mean value and the error distribution form, it has more typical implication.
非参数 ACD模型不依赖条件均值的函数形式和误差项的分布形式,更具有一般意义。 cnki

New development directions of ACD model are discussed based on the results.
最后展望了该模型的发展方向。 iciba

The foreign ministers welcomed China to hold the Third Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue ACD in Qingdao, China on June22,2004.

The unique feature of location and advantage of ACD mainly rest on its transportation hinge position.
三角洲顶点城市的区位独特性和优势主要体现在其作为交通枢纽的地位上。 cnki

This paper presents a method for3D surface adaptive reconstruction based on a deformable model, which integrates a deformable model and ACDAffine Cell Decompositionmethod.
结合形变模型和 ACD方法提出了基于形变模型的3D表面自适应重建方法。 cnki

Conclusion ACD showed the most significant inhibitive effect on the growth of malaria parasites and SC was the best anticoagulant based on sodium citrate for malarial experiments.
结论 ACD对疟原虫的抑制性效应最为明显, SC是疟原虫试验中枸橼酸钠抗凝剂的首选。 jsczz

Further more, an analysis and comparison of merits and demerits of two call center solutions based on traditional ACD switch and PC server is made.
此外还比较和分析了基于交换机模式和基于PC服务器模式的语音板卡呼叫中心解决方案的优、缺点。 cnki

In this paper, we have demonstrated the nonparametric ACD model on intraday transaction data of the stock market of China.
文章利用中国证券市场的日内交易数据实证了非参数 ACD模型。 dictall

In this paper, ACD diagram is used to analyze and to model FMS. Through an example, the FMS model set is simulated by language GPSS.
本文是用 ACD图对 FMS进行分析,建立模型,通过一个例子用 GPSS语言对模型进行了计算机仿真。 cnki

Objective To observe and analyse comparatively the activation of platelets in vivo and injury in vascular endothelium in patients with essential hypertensionEH and ACD.
目的对高血压病与冠心病患者体内血小板活化及血管内皮细胞受损程度进行对比分析。 cnki

Objective To investigate the mechanism of the Oral Liquid Expelling Wind and Stopping Itch inhibiting allergic contact dermatitis ACD in cavy ACD.
目的研究祛风止痒口服液对豚鼠变应性接触性皮炎 ACD的抑制作用,并探讨其作用机制。 cnki

Objective To investigate the regulatory effect of Nitrogen Oxide NO and Iron Regulatory Protein IRP on the iron metabolism disorder in the livers of rats with Anemia of Chronic Disease ACD.
目的探讨一氧化氮 NO、铁调节蛋白 IRP在慢性病贫血 ACD大鼠肝组织铁代谢紊乱中的调节作用。 cnki

Objective To study the therapeutic effects of mizolastine on murine allergic contact dermatitis ACD and probable mechanisms.
目的探讨咪唑斯汀对小鼠变应性接触性皮炎 ACD的治疗作用及可能机制。 dictall

OBJECTIVE To study whether may reduce the dosage of ACD blood and may protect liver and kidney function by autotransfusion in cardiopulmonary bypass operation.
目的研究体外循环手术血液综合再利用是否可以减少库血的使用量以及是否造成肝、肾功能损害。 cnki

On base of summarizing the practice of agricultural comprehensive development ACD project management, the paper describes how to improving the prophase work of ACD project management.
本文在总结农业综合开发项目管理实践的基础上,就如何做好农业综合开发项目前期准备工作展开论述。 cnki

Over33,000 Businesses, Government Agencies, and Schools find ACD products to be an ideal solution for their digital imaging needs.
超出33,000 个营业单位,政府机关和学校,均相当认同 ACD是作为他们在处理数字图像处理需求方面很理想的一款软件。92doc

She introduced me to stock dog trials and taught me a whole lot, which enabled me to begin training my next ACD.
也是她让我开始接触畜牧犬测试,让我懂得了很多知识,而这些知识最终促使我开始训练我的下一只澳洲牧牛犬。 yeeyan

When it was collected in ACD solution, the plasma was difficult to dry, and the quality of the product varied from lot to lot.
当血液被保存在 ACD溶液中时,血浆很难干燥,并且每批产品的质量不尽相同。 ausbio

When, however, the blood thus collected was stored, there was, as in blood stored in ACD solution, a progressive increase in their fragility.
然而,当用这种方式收集的血液被储存,如同血液被储存在 ACD血液保存液中,血液的脆性逐渐增加。 ausbio

ACD changes and relevant factors should be considered in studying the accuracy of IOL refraction formula and in adjusting the calculated data.
在研究 IOL屈光度数计算公式的准确性和调整公式的计算值时,应考虑术后 ACD的变化及其相关因素。 cnki




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