

单词 scrap heap
释义 scrap heap 英ˈskræpˌhi:p美ˈskræpˌhip 高短语³⁹⁵¹⁷

名词 scrapheap:
an accumulation of refuse and discarded matterpile of discarded metal用作名词He found a toy electric motor in a junk heap.他在废物堆里找到了一台玩具电动机。
The shore, beginning with the rubbish heap, was only about thirty paces long, then it plunged into the water which beat against the wall of the quay.从废物堆起河滩的长度连三十步都不到,接着就没入冲击岸墙的水中。noun.worthless material
同义词 dump,duskheap,garbage dump,junkheap,junkpile,kitchen midden,landfill,midden,toxic waste dump
sanitary landfillnoun garbage dump
dump,dumpsite,junkheap,junkpile,junkyard,landfill,midden,scrap heap,toxic waste dump,wasteyard The PC makers have also faced heat for not doing enough to keep obsolete models out of the scrap heap.
电脑厂商也面临压力,因为它们在旧机回收方面做得不够。 iciba

Their entire business models now seem headed for the scrap heap.
目前看来,两家公司的整体业务模式都成了垃圾。 ecocn

Top of the Scrap Heap- Reach a combined class level of100 in Multiplayer.
在多人模式中,所有职业的等级总合达到100。 obaoz

I take them out of the drawer, tear them into pieces and then throw into the scrap heap.
我把那些证书从抽屉里拿出来,撕碎了这些东西,扔进垃圾堆。 xdnice

In the world of Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty, however, a low- status man may be cast on the reproductive scrap heap because there are no women available to him at all.
在嗜血者慕雷·伊斯梅尔的王国里,一个地位低下的男子会被抛到生殖的垃圾堆上,因为在那里他找不到任何愿与其配偶的女性。 ecocn

They draw that conclusion from the fact that butchered human bones were tossed in the scrap heap along with animal remains.
他们之所以得出这个结论,是因为人类骸骨与动物残骸被丢在了一起。 kekenet




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