

释义 SCLCEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
abbr.Southern Christian Leadership Conference美国 南方基督教领袖会议
The pattern, structure and electrical property based on SCLC method of the films are discussed to seek for the relations of the film structure and the electrical property.
为了寻找薄膜结构和电学性质的关系,对薄膜的形貌、结构和基于 SCLC方法的电学特性进行了探讨。 cnki

Along with the genetic alterations, SCLC overexpresses various cell surface receptors, such as receptor tyrosine kinaseRTKs, G- protein- coupled receptors, integrins, and so on.
伴随着遗传变异,小细胞肺癌还表现出细胞表面受体的过度表达,包括受体酪氨酸激酶、 G蛋白耦合受体、整合蛋白及其它受体等。 cnki

At present, there is no data concerning SCLC two- dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis2-DE reference map, and its protein profiles in public databases.
目前公开的数据库中尚未见到小细胞肺癌的双向电泳参考图谱及其蛋白表达谱。 magsci

Chemotherapy is still the main therapy method to SCLC in combined modality treatment.
以化疗为主的综合治疗仍为 SCLC治疗的基本模式。 fabiao

Conclusion NSE should be used in adjuvant diagnosing, preoperative histological typing and therapy monitoring for SCLC, and gastrin for NSCLC.
结论 NSE主要用于 SCLC的辅助诊断、术前组织学分型及疗效监测,而胃泌素用于 NSCLC。 cnki

For SCLC, patients with limited disease are treated with radiation, and extensive disease is treated with chemotherapy plus radiation, with survival rates of 10% and 3%, respectively.
而小细胞肺癌,如果病变局限的话,采用放射疗法,存活率为10%;如果病变广泛,则需化疗和放疗联合进行,但存活率仅为3%。 yeeyan

Former UN ambassador Andrew Young was one of King's top aides at SCLC, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and he remains a close friend and strong defender of the King family.
前任联合国大使安德鲁·杨曾是 SCLC南部基督教领导大会中金的得力助手之一,他与金的一家人保持着深厚友谊并大力地维护他们。 zxxyy

Methods From1983 to1994,65 patients with SCLC were treated by surgery combined with postoperative chemotherapy, and22 of them received prophylactic cranial irradiation.
方法搜集1983年至1994年采用手术加术后辅助化疗的小细胞肺癌65例,其中行脑预防照射22例。 cnki

Methods: Retrospective analysis was conducted in14 patients with pancreatic metastasis of SCLC.
方法:回顾性分析14例小细胞肺癌胰腺转移的临床资料。 cnki

Objective To determine the cut-off value of serum neuron- specific enolase NSE level for distinguishing small cell lung cancer SCLC and non- small cell lung cancer NSCLC.
目的通过较大样本血清神经元特异烯醇化酶 NSE的检测,确定鉴别小细胞肺癌 SCLC与非小细胞肺癌 NSCLC NSE血清水平临界值。 cnki

Objective To discuss the correlation of CT appearances and the angiogenesis VEGF, MVD in small cell lung cancer SCLC.
目的探讨小细胞肺癌 SCLC的 CT征象和血管内皮生长因子 VEGF、微血管密度 MVD的相关性。 cnki

Objective To evaluate feasibility and efficacy of mega dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell support for SCLC.
目的探讨高剂量化疗用外周血干细胞支持提高小细胞肺癌的疗效、可行性、安全性。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognostic factors for patients with bone marrow metastases from small cell lung cancer SCLC.
目的探讨小细胞肺癌 SCLC骨髓转移的临床特征、治疗方法及预后影响因素。 cnki

Objective To observe the relation of traditional Chinese medicine TCM syndromes of advanced small cell lung cancer SCLC and quality of lifeQOL.
目的探讨晚期小细胞肺癌的中医证候与生存质量的关系。 dictall

Objective To study the influence of prophylactic cranial irradiation PCI on survival and brain metastases in patients with limited small cell lung cancer SCLC.
目的探讨预防性全脑照射 PCI对局限期小细胞肺癌 SCLC脑转移率和生存率的影响。 cnki

Objective: To discuss the probability of supraclavicular metastasis in the limited-stage small cell lung cancerLS- SCLC through the studies on the irradiated volume in30 patients with the disease.
目的:通过对30例局限期小细胞肺癌患者的照射体积的研究,探讨锁骨上区转移机率。 cnki

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity reactions of etoposide capsules in treatment of extensive small- cell lung cancer SCLC.
目的:评价足叶乙甙胶囊治疗广泛期小细胞肺癌的临床疗效及毒副作用。 dictall

Objective: To summarize and analyze the CT features, approach and result of pathologic diagnosis in small cell lung cancer SCLC, and study the correlation of radiologic and pathologic basis.
目的:总结分析小细胞肺癌的 CT表现特点、病理诊断途径及其结果,以加强对本病的病理基础与影像表现关系的认识。 chemyq

Objective:To investigate the effect of Etoposide alone maintenance chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer SCLC.
目的:探讨依托泊苷单药维持化疗对小细胞肺癌的疗效及对生活质量的影响。 dictall

Seeking to build upon the success in Montgomery, King and other southern black ministers founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCLC in1957.
为了寻求蒙哥马利胜利后的进一步发展,金和其他的南部黑人领袖于1957年建立了南方基督教领袖会议。 blog.sina.com.cn

Small- cell lung cancer SCLC is an aggressive malignancy with a tendency of early distant metastases.
小细胞肺癌是一种恶性程度较高的肿瘤,具早期发生远处转移的倾向。 dictall

Surgery is unfortunately not usually an option in SCLC.
对于小细胞肺癌而言,通常不选择手术疗法。 yeeyan

The TNM system may be applied to small- cell lung cancer SCLC, but management decisions are not as closely guided by it.
同时,TNM系统也可用于小细胞癌 SCLC,但并非以此作为治疗指南。 yeeyan

The main type were small cell lung cancer SCLC.
肺癌的类型主要为小细胞肺癌。 cnki




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