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Loss percentage 基本例句 练减率 There was mass loss of the silicone rubber after VUV irradiation and the massloss percentageincreased with the increase of irradiation dose.真空紫外辐照后,硅橡胶的质量有所损失,其质损率随辐照剂量的增加而增加; The factors affecting whiteness, degummingloss percentageand capillary effect were analyzed.The optimal protease and process conditions suitable for silk knits were obtained.分析影响半制品脱胶率、白度及毛效的因素,优选出适合真丝针织绸一浴法酶练的蛋白酶及工艺条件。The results show that the iminodiacetic acid wastewater can be treated effectively by electrodialysis method.The desalting rate is > 96% and the iminodiacetic acidloss percentageis 实验结果表明;采用电渗析法能够有效处理亚氨基二乙酸废水;电渗析脱盐率>96%;亚氨基二乙酸损失率Degummingloss percentageof silk生丝练减率 |