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词汇 Sakhalin
释义 Sa·kha·lin 英ˈsækəˌliːn, -lən, sæ'əˈljiːn美ˈsækəˌlin, -lən, sæ'əˈljinAHDsăkʹə-lēn', -lən, să-‘ə-lyēnʹ 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Both Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil, for example, have increased budgets and stretched timetables for their respective developments on Russia's Sakhalin Island.
皇家壳牌石油公司和埃克森美孚公司都分别为它们在俄罗斯库页岛的发展计划增加了预算并延长了时间表。 ecocn

In other words, Sakhalin is potentially crucial in the Kremlin's drive to recapture its geopolitical clout using energy wealth.
换句话讲,萨哈林在克里姆林宫仰仗能源财富,以图重振地缘政治强势的棋局中,是一颗潜在的关键性棋子。 ecocn

On March23,2011, Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping met with First Deputy Governor of the Sakhalin Region Konstantin Stroganov who led a delegation to China hosting a presentation of Sakhalin.

The sea around northern Sakhalin, in which the project's offshore drilling rigs stand, freezes for half the year and is home to a rare whale.
该项目的海底钻探平台设在环绕北库页岛的海域,这里每年有半年处于封冻期,是一种珍稀鲸类的栖息地。 ecocn

Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, has offered aid in the form of energy and ordered officials to speed up an oil- and- gas project on the island of Sakhalin to meet future Japanese demand.
俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京已经提出向日本提供能源援助,并命令负责此事的官员抓紧在萨哈林岛建设石油和天然气项目,以满足日本今后的需求。 ecocn

A few months ago, Russian environmental regulators began to complain and they have since suspended licences and threatened the Sakhalin II consortium with criminal action.
几个月前,俄国环境监管部门开始就此事投诉,中止了库页岛二号财团的营业许可,并以“犯罪行为”对其施加威胁。 ecocn

Indeed, some Russian officials have now soured on the whole idea of PSAs, which also apply to Exxon's Sakhalin project and to a Siberian development led by Total, a French firm.
确实,目前一些俄国官员都对产量分成协议这个主意很不满,这个协议也同样适用于美孚公司的库页岛项目和法国道达尔公司领导的西伯利亚开发项目。 ecocn

Many islands and rocks located in the Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions are named after the pretty birds.
堪察加半岛和库页岛地区的许多岛屿和岩石都以这些美丽的鸟类命名。 yeeyan

Parts of Sakhalin were Japanese territory in the late19th and early20th centuries, and were ceded after Japan's defeat in the second world war.
萨哈林德部分区域在19世纪晚期和20世纪早期曾是日本领土,二战日本战败后被日本让出。 ecocn

Parts of Sakhalin were Japanese territory in the late 19th and early20th centuries, and were ceded after Japan’s defeat in the second world war.
部分库页岛在19世纪末和20世纪初属于日本领土,在第二次世界大战日本战败后被割让给出去。 ecocn

Russia insisted its move to cancel the environmental permit for Sakhalin-2 was not politically motivated.
俄罗斯坚称,政府收回萨哈林2号项目环境许可证的做法并非出于政治动机。 chinabaike

Russian officials had been making life difficult for the Sakhalin project by threatening dire consequences for minor environmental lapses.
俄罗斯官员一直以环境失误可能导致严重后果相要挟,使库页岛工程举步维艰。 ecocn

Stroganov noted that Sakhalin attaches great importance to cooperating with China which is one of Sakhalin's major trade partners.

The companies have worked together in recent years but fell out in2006 in a dispute over the Sakhalin2 liquefied-gas project in Russia’s far east.
两家公司近年来一直合作密切。但由于俄罗斯远东地区库页岛2液化气项目引发争执,两家公司在2006年分崩离析。 ecocn

The presentation will create a helpful platform for relevant Chinese departments and enterprises to better understand the economic development and investment policies of Sakhalin.

The1905 Treaty of Portsmouth, concluded at the end of this war, gave the southern half of the Sakhalin Island to Japan.
战争结束后的1905年的《朴茨茅斯条约》将萨哈林岛南部割让给日本。 yeeyan

The Sakhalin II project will produce as much as 9.6m tonnes of LNG a year, 60% of which will go to Japan, accounting for about7% of its LNG imports.
库页岛二期工程每年将生产多达960万吨液化天然气,60%的会进入日本,约占其液化天然气的进口量的7%。 ecocn

Their early overlords, the Mongols, ruling China as the Yuan dynasty, sailed to the Amur's mouth and crossed to Sakhalin.
他们早期的蒙古领主中国元代的统治者曾经顺流而下到达黑龙江的入海口,并且穿越到达了库页岛。 ecocn

This happened to Shell in Russia: they invested billions in the Sakhalin oil and gas projects.
壳牌石油在俄罗斯就遭遇了这种事情:他们在萨哈林岛的油气项目上投资了数十亿美元。 yeeyan

What will that mean for the salmon, the whales and the rest of Sakhalin's beautiful but fragile flora and fauna?
对于库页岛的大马哈鱼、鲸类和其他的美丽但脆弱的动植物来说,这意味着什么呢? ecocn

While output from Russia’s Sakhalin-2 field near Japan is mostly committed under long-term contracts, increased Japanese demand could transform the economics of developing other reserves in the area.
虽然俄罗斯毗邻日本的“萨哈林2号” Sakhalin-2油气田的产出,大多都要满足长期合同的要求,但日本需求上升有可能改变开采该地区其他油气田的经济效益。

Sakhalin, by contrast, is just three days away.
而从萨哈林只需三天。 ecocn

Sakhalin Energy, meanwhile, has been bedevilled by environmental problems.
而库页能源公司也在被环境问题所困扰。 ecocn

Sakhalin II is almost finished: it is already producing oil, and LNG shipments are supposed to begin in2008.
库页岛二号已接近完工:它已经开始开采石油,液化天然气的装船工作则预计在2008年开始。 ecocn




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