

单词 rotten
释义 rot·ten 英ˈrɒtn美ˈrɑtņAHDrŏtʹn ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝4八COCA¹²¹¹⁵BNC⁷⁵⁵⁶iWeb¹⁰⁸⁷⁵Economist⁵⁴⁹⁹


gone bad; decayed




nasty, unsatisfactory

very bad;

a lousy play

it's a stinking world

damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless;

rotten floor boards

rotted beams

a decayed foundation

having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness;

dead and rotten in his grave

来自 rot 过去分词形式。比较 ridden.
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词rotten concept腐朽的观念rotten food发霉的食物rotten fruit腐烂的水果rotten matter糟糕的事情rotten peach腐烂的桃子rotten system腐朽的制度rotten thing糟糕的事情rotten thought腐朽的思想~+介词rotten to the core烂透了,腐败透顶
rot + en 使
来自rotv. 腐烂近义词 corruptdecayed反义词 goodwellhonest
~+ n.The smell of the rotten meat was enough!这腐臭的肉闻一下就够人受的了!
That was a rotten trick.那是个恶劣的把戏。
Take away these rotten eggs.把这些臭鸡蛋拿走。
The boys ran to the river to go swimming and Dick cried,“the last one is a rotten egg.”男孩们跑到河里去游泳,狄克喊道:“最后到的是坏蛋。”
S+be+~This apple seemed good but rotten inside.这个苹果看上去还不错,可里边烂了。
Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.在热天,水果会很快变质。
The film was pretty rotten.这部电影糟透了。S+be+~+ prep.- phraseIt's rotten of him to do that.他那么干太卑劣了。
The man's morals are rotten to the core.那个人道德败坏至极。S+be+~+that-clauseThe wood was so rotten that you could put your finger through it.木头已烂透了,你用手指一戳就可戳透。Prottenstonen.擦光石



rotten egg的本义指“坏蛋”,引申可指“品行不好的人”,常用作孩子们之间的戏语。


用作形容词One smell of therottenmeat was enough!这腐烂的肉闻一下就够受的了。
This place has an odious smell; something must berotten.这个地方有一股臭味,一定有东西腐烂了。
The wood was sorottenthat you could put your finger through it.这木料腐朽了,你可以用手指戳穿它。
They are contaminating the minds of our young people with theserottenideas.他们正用这些腐朽的思想污染着我们青年人的头脑。
He's arottenapple.他是一个讨厌的家伙。用作副词The child is spoiledrotten.这个小孩被宠坏了。adj.decayed, decaying
同义词 corrupt,disgusting,moldy,noxious,overripe,putrid,rancid,rotting,sour,spoiled,stalebad,bad-smelling,corroded,crumbled,crumbling,decomposed,decomposing,disintegrated,disintegrating,fecal,feculent,festering,fetid,foul,gross,infected,loathsome,loud,mephiticmolderingnoisome,offensive,perished,polluted,purulent,pustular,putrescent,putrified,rank,smelling,stinking,strong,tainted,touched,unsound
反义词 fresh,good,helpful,perfumed,pleasant,pure,sweet,wholesomedecent,honest,kind,moral,new,nice,superior,trustworthy,uncorrupt,undecayedadj.dishonest, immoral
同义词 corrupt,crookedbent,bribable,contaminated,debauched,deceitful,defiled,degenerate,depraved,dirtied,dishonorable,disloyal,faithless,filthy,flagitious,impure,mercenary,nefarious,perfidious,perverse,polluted,soiled,sullied,tainted,treacherous,unclean,untrustworthy,venal,vicious,villainous,vitiated
反义词 honestdecent,fresh,good,kind,moral,new,nice,pleasant,superior,trustworthy,uncorrupt,undecayedadj.despicable, inferior, bad
同义词 amiss,crummy,dirty,diseased,lousy,nasty,sour,unlucky,unpleasantbase,below par,bruised,bum,contemptible,defective,deplorable,disagreeable,disappointing,displeasing,dissatisfactory,filthy,impaired,inadequate,injured,low-grade,mean,poor,punk,regrettable,rough,scurrilous,shaky,sorry,substandard,unacceptable,unfortunate,unhappy,unsatisfactory,unsound,vile,wasted,wicked,withering,wrong
反义词 agreeable,clean,friendly,good,great,happy,magnificent,moral,pleasant,pleasing,wonderfuldecent,fresh,honest,kind,new,nice,superior,trustworthy,uncorrupt,undecayed
abominableadjective awful, detestable
atrociousadjective offensive
badadjective decayed
badderadjective decayed
beastlyadverb offensive
cheapadjective inferior, low in quality
bad,base,bogus,catchpenny,cheesy,common,commonplace,crappy,cruddy,dud,flashy,garbage,garish,glitzy,junky,lousy,mangy,mean,mediocre,meretricious,no bargain,no good,ordinary,paltry,poor,ratty,raunchy,rinky-dink,rotten,rubbishy,scroungy,second-rate,shoddy,sleazy,small-time,tatty,tawdry,terrible,trashy,trumpery,two-bit,valueless,white elephant,worthless The main concern is the release of hydrogen sulfide, a gas that smells like rotten egg at low concentrations.
主要的关注点在于硫化氢的排放,硫化氢这种气体在低浓度时闻起来很像臭鸡蛋。 yeeyan

To critics, including some members of his own board, this risks stoking inflation and turning the ECB into a “ bad bank” in which rotten assets just pile up.
包括他所在银行董事会成员在内的批评者称,这样做有引发通货膨胀和把欧洲中央银行变成一家“坏烂资产”囤积的银行的风险。 ecocn

“At first we ate rotten sorghum, then corncobs and then the bark off the trees, ” said Meng Qinghua,85.
“我们起先吃烂高粱,然后是玉米棒子,然后扒树皮吃,”85岁的孟清华音说。 yeeyan

Also, there are many different smells out there to test besides rotten eggs and roses.
而且,除了臭鸡蛋和玫瑰以外还有许许多多形形色色的气味。 kekenet

But its origins, and its effects on Japan, were ultimately rotten.
但是其源头,以及对于日本的影响则最终腐烂。 topsage

By1989 that system had become more rotten and less frightening, especially in the east European satellites of the evil empire.
到1989年整个社会变得更加腐朽,而威慑力渐渐变弱,特别是邪恶帝国的东欧国家。 ecocn

Durian, South East Asia. A smelly fruit whose odour can often resemble rotten meat.
产自东南亚,一种很臭的水果,气味如同很多腐烂的肉类。 yeeyan

During by-election campaigns, they hurled rotten eggs at their opponents.
在递补选举中,他们向对手们扔臭鸡蛋。 ecocn

Even an unfamiliar SLR camera can produce rotten shots. Be sure to set your camera to Bulb mode for maximum exposure.
尽管一台不熟悉的单反可能拍出烂片,你也要确定自己的相机设定在最大曝光模式。 yeeyan

If that is so, he has badly miscalculated; the reform programme has itself become a casualty of the rotten politics.
如果真是这样,那他的估算极其错误;改革项目本身已经深受腐朽政治之害。 ecocn

If that was ever good advice, it is rotten advice now.
如果那曾经是个好建议,但现在却是腐朽的了。 ecocn

In both cases, the roots are rotten and the sources poisoned.
就这两种情况而言,它们的根源是腐朽的,源头是有毒的。 yeeyan

In the weeks following this election, if we channel our anger into these campaigns, we could break our rotten system.
在这次选举后的几个星期,如果我们把我们的愤怒引导进这些运动,我们可以打破我们的腐朽制度。 yeeyan

It smelled of starch, potatoes and rotten eggs in one combination.
屋里混杂着淀粉、土豆、和臭鸡蛋的味道。 yeeyan

Its rotten economy, broken legal system, Islamist insurgency, and street warfare among ethnic gangs in its main business centre, Karachi, are topped off by politicians widely derided as clowns.
它虚弱的经济,破碎的法律体系,伊斯兰教徒叛乱和在商业中心卡拉奇的种族帮派街战,都被民众嘲笑为小丑的政客们推至无以复加的境地。 ecocn

Last one to the witch's house is a rotten egg!
谁后到达那巫婆房子里谁就是个臭鸡蛋! yeeyan

Low doses of hydrogen sulphide, a gas which smells like rotten egg, can safely reduce the metabolism of mice, putting them into a state of suspended animation.
少量的硫化氢,虽然闻起来跟臭鸡蛋一样糟糕,却可以安全地减缓小白鼠的新陈代谢,使他们生机暂停,进入假死状态。 ecocn

My French must be rotten or the Parisians are stupid.

No one is Paris understands me, so my French must be rotten or the Parisians are stupid.

Purge the language of rotten thinking, they believed, and truth and reason would prevail at last.
他们相信,通过对语言的清洗, 扫除腐朽的思想,真理和理性就会最终取得胜利。 ecocn

Scoop out the rotten part of the pear.

That has endeared her to some of the middle- class urban voters who saw her predecessor as sitting at the top of a particularly rotten tree.
这样使她深受某些中产阶级城市选民的喜爱,这些选民认为她的前任直到现在还端坐在一棵已经腐烂树木的顶端。 ecocn

The one where you tell the guards where other men hide a rotten apple and the soldiers shoot those men.
那个你向守卫告密说哪个人藏了一个烂苹果坏家伙,,士兵就把这些人射死的地方。 yeeyan

The dish turned out fine, but I had unknowingly and luckily avoided producing a rotten egg stink.
这盘菜结果很完美,但是我在不知不觉中幸运地避免了产生臭鸡蛋气味。 yeeyan

Those rotten eggs have stunk the place.




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