词汇 | 不翼而飞 |
释义 | 不翼而飞 辨形“翼”,不能写作“冀”。 辨析参见“不胫而走”。。 辨形“翼”,不能写作“冀”。 辨析见“不胫而走”。 歇后语气球上天;火箭上天 法文s'envoler,voler sans ailess'étendre,se répandre,se propager rapidement comme une trainée de poud 俄文как в вóду кáнуть 德文abhanden kommen od. im Fluge verbreiten 拉丁文virum volitare per ora 反义词 On Dec.22,2000, Pierre- August Renoir’s “ Young Parisian” and “ Conversation with a Gardner” as well as a self portrait by Rembrandt disappeared from the National Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. When Bob returned to the room, he was surprised to find that his books had vanished into thin air. Acolytes of the accused’s powerful family bribed and threatened witnesses. The police were paid off and evidence lost. Not only was there no gold in the tree, but the gold that he had buried had disappeared! But two days ago, when UN officials returned to the warehouse, they found that most of the explosives had gone missing. When the Miser returned and found the place empty, he wept and tore his hair. I remember looking at my feet and finding it rather unique that my right shoelace was tied and my left one was gone. I had slung my handbag across the back of my chair and, when we stood up to leave, I found that the bag had left before me. According to a Western soldier in Islamabad, only30% of this sum has been spent on its intended purpose. The rest has gone missing. The“ flying” Ford Anglia car used by child wizard Harry Potter and his chums to escape numerous close scrapes has vanished from its slot in a West Country film studio. Two weeks after that another safe was opened and fifteen hundred dollars disappeared; securities and silver were untouched. However his report detailed other cases of apparent corruption, including the disappearance of aid materials. Still, the end result was the same except for the house arrest: the money managers got rich; the investors saw their money disappear. Then, I realised the lack of my limbs, and finally it occurred to me that I was a toaster. Just think, if this world all of a sudden the book missing, then the spiritual world of humanity will be deserted, what sort of look like! A large share of tax revenues has been transferred to local authorities, though so far with disappointing results: much has either been misspent or gone unspent. They decided to go to Europe for tourism promotional feelings, go out on that day, but found his home sharpness car had disappeared. Typhoon Nesat's strong winds toppled electric posts, uprooted trees and tore off roofs, including that of an evacuation center housing about500 people. My keys were here a minute ago but now they've vanished. Amid the chaos, all the cutlery, plates and glasses on Mr. Clinton’s table disappeared. Only one in four“lost” wallets were returned to the West Midlands city but with the money removed. Reconstruction money may still be disappearing, but roads and buildings are being repaired. Your correspondent had no trouble using his little finger on his palmtop’s six-inch touchscreen when the stylus went AWOL. About70 sewer lids, made from cast iron, have vanished since last Thursday in the southern city of Charleroi, an official at the town hall's construction department said. Colombia cancelled a World Cup training session on Wednesday because their football boots went missing on the way from Poland. |
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