释义 |
rials 基本例句 里亚尔 What meaning do our lifes leave between the materiallife again?我们的人生会在尘世间留下何种意义? Myth #8: Autism is a complex, multi-factorialepidemic.(荒诞的说法8:孤独症是一种复杂的、多因素的流行病。 According to the historians he murdered hisrialin cold blood.根据历史学家考证,他蓄意杀死了他的竞争对手。 Seed proteins of 4 fusarium wilt sensitive cotton and their related tolerant mate-rialswere analyzed via SDS- PAGE.用SDS-pAGE方法分析了4种感枯萎病棉花及其抗病后代的种子蛋白。 The main oar-blade shovels the raw materialsfrom underside and makes them volute from up to down.2、主浆叶将物料从下铲起物料,使物料作由上向下的涡旋运动。 It will provide a re ference for the information-based production of the Chinese herbal medicine material.为中药材生产的信息化提供参考。 |