

单词 replacers
释义 replacersCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
法代替者;代用品原型replacer的复数 The application of fat- replacers in the meat products can not only reduce the fat content but also offset the lose of flavor.
脂肪替代品在肉制品中的应用既减少了脂肪含量又弥补了口味的损失。 chemyq

The functions of lipids and its replacers in the production of ice cream was described.
综述了油脂在冰淇淋中的作用和冰淇淋生产中常用的油脂及其代用品。 chemyq

The rheological behaviour of cocoa pastes consisted of three cocoa butter replacersCBR and cocoa powder was studied.
本文研究了可可粉与三种代可可脂组成的巧克力浆的流变性。 dictall

This article has reviewed the research development of different kinds of fat replacers in meat products and their types, characteristics and the substitute effect.
介绍了脂肪替代品的种类、特点和最新研究情况,主要介绍了脂肪模拟品在低脂肉制品中的应用进展。 cnki

Even the ice cream made by replacing100% fat with fat replacers was also acceptable.
当替代全部脂肪时,所制得的无脂冰淇淋也有较好的感官接受性。 chemyq

Fat replacers were made from WPC-80. They were used to replace the fat in medium- fat-content ice cream up to 25%.
以乳清蛋白WPC-80为基质制备脂肪替代品,替代中脂冰淇淋中25%的脂肪。 chemyq

This paper briefly introducing the function and application of some fat replacers.
本文简要介绍常见脂肪替代物的功能特性及其应用等。 chemyq




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