

单词 antimicrobial agents
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A new synthetic method for preparing two arylfluoroquinolone antimicrobial agents, difloxacin and temafloxacin, was reported.
提出了一种合成芳基氟喹诺酮抗菌剂二氟沙星和替马沙星的新方法。 dictall

Half of Dr Roberts's volunteers were given an aerosol spray containing a commercial formulation of fragrance and antimicrobial agents.
罗伯特博士给一半的志愿者提供了含有商业用芳香剂和抗菌媒质的喷剂; topsage

Tellurium oxides were used as antimicrobial agents against diseases such as leprosy and tuberculosis before the development of antibiotics.
抗生素发现之前,碲氧化物曾被用于治疗麻风病、结核病等感染性疾病。 yeeyan

The present study may provide a basis for further research and development of gene chip in monitoring resistance to antimicrobial agents.
本研究为进一步研制和开发兽医临床常见病原菌耐药性检测芯片打下初步基础。 cnki

With a lack of proper biocides, mildewcide, or other antimicrobial agents in the formulation of the composite material, mold can be rampant.
由于在复合材料配方中缺乏适当的杀菌剂、防霉剂和其他的抗菌剂,霉菌才猖獗繁衍。 wpc




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