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avian influenza 英'eɪvɪən ˌɪnfluː'enzə美'eɪviːən ˌɪnflʊ'enzə 短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺² 基本例句 家禽流行性感冒; 禽流感 The risk of importing avian influenza into areas affected by the tsunami can be minimized by controlling the movement of poultry from areas where outbreaks of avian influenza have occurred. 通过控制家禽从已发生禽流感暴发的地区流动,可最大限度减少将禽流感输入海啸受灾地区的危险。 who The Turkey experience demonstrates the dangers posed by avian influenza in birds and the vital importance of surveillance and effective early warning systems. 土耳其的经验显示了鸟类禽流感造成的危险以及监测和有效的早期预警系统的至关重要性。 who Contacts have been followed up and have shown no symptoms at twice the incubation period for avian influenza infection. 对密切接触者进行了跟踪,在两倍于禽流感感染潜伏期期间未发现症状。 who From avian influenza to humanitarian crises, health issues were in the news throughout2006. 从禽流感到人道主义危机,卫生问题是贯穿2006年的新闻。 who He said China's National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory is soliciting support from relative authorities and is looking forward to production after clinical appraisal. 他说我国国家禽流感参考实验室正在寻求其他相关机构的帮助,准备在临床评估之后开始生产。 yeeyan However, any activity that spreads avian influenza increases the possibility of the emergence of a pandemic virus. 但是,传播禽流感的任何活动增加了出现一种大流行病毒的可能性。 who In all of these recent outbreaks, authorities have announced control measures in line with FAO and OIE recommendations for highly pathogenic avian influenza. 在所有这些最近的暴发中,当局已宣布根据粮农组织和国际兽疫局对高致病性禽流感的建议采取控制措施。 who Moreover, public health must pay close attention to any severe new disease, like H5N1 avian influenza. 而且,公共卫生必须密切关注任何像 H5N1禽流感这样的严重新疾病。 who Most avian influenza viruses do not infect humans; however some, such as H5N1, have caused serious infections in people. 绝大多数禽流感病毒不会感染人类;但 H5N1等某些病毒却造成严重的人间感染。 who Poultry deaths were recently reported in their neighbourhood, but H5N1 avian influenza has not yet been confirmed in birds in any part of the country. 在他们的居住地段最近报告了家禽死亡,但是 H5N1禽流感尚未在该国任何地区的鸟类中得到确认。 who Proper vaccination of domestic poultry is considered to be a useful tool as part of an overall integrated strategy for the control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. 家禽适当接种疫苗被认为是一种有益的手段,作为控制高致病性禽流感全面综合战略的一部分。 who Reports indicate outbreaks of avian influenza in poultry in the vicinity. 报道表明在邻近地区家禽中禽流感的暴发。 who Samples from these cases are being tested to determine whether they were also infected with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. 正在对这些病例的样本进行检测以确定他们是否也受到 H5N1禽流感病毒感染。 who The country has already established an avian influenza crisis centre for the rapid collection and dissemination of information. 该国已经建立了一个旨在及时收集和传播信息的禽流感危机中心。 fao The UN agency expects poultry consumption shocks this year in many countries in Europe, Middle East, and Africa that have been hit by avian influenza. 据该联合国机构预计,许多遭受禽流感袭击的欧洲、中东和非洲国家将在今年出现禽肉消费冲击。 fao This finding marks the first documented infection of this species with an avian influenza virus. 这一发现标志着首次记载了这一物种感染了一种禽流感病毒。 who We must also provide support to the avian influenza network for diagnostic expertise and exchange of isolates with the WHO. 我们还必须支持提供诊断专门技术和与世卫组织交换分离种群的禽流感网络。 who WHO fully agrees with FAO and OIE that control of avian influenza infection in wild bird populations is not feasible and should not be attempted. 世卫组织完全同意粮农组织和国际兽疫局的观点,即在野鸟种群中控制禽流感感染既不可行也不应尝试。 who WHO therefore recommends, for certain avian influenza viruses, a series of protective measures aimed at preventing human infections in persons at high risk of exposure. 因此,世卫组织针对某些禽流感病毒,建议采取一系列保护性措施,旨在预防在高危人群中出现人类感染。 who |