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词汇 avhrr
释义 avhrrCOCA²²⁶⁶⁴⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
abbr.高级超高分辨率辐射计advanced very high resolution radiometer
A dynamic monitoring method of soil moisture in North China was described, according to heat inertia theory, and by using polar orbit satellite AVHRR data.
论述了根据热惯量理论,利用气象卫星 AVHRR资料,对华北平原的土壤墒情进行动态监测的方法。 cnki

A method of estimating the planetary albedo and outgoing longwave flux from AVHRR- data is described.
本文叙述了应用 AVHRR的卫星辐射资料计算行星反照率和射出长波辐射的方法。 cnki

At present NOAAAVHRR can offer us many multi angle earth observation data. through careful collection of successive AVHRR images, the existence of nonLambertian effect had been proven.
当今 NOAAAVHRR能提供许多多角度的对地观察资料。它的非朗伯体效应已经被细心收集的连续的 AVHRR图象所证实。 cnki

NOAA- AVHRR provides multi- temporal data for research on vegetation Phenology.
AVHRR所提供的全球多时相数据为研究植被的生物学特征提供支持。 cnki

Owing to the important role clouds play in atmospheric radiation, many algorithms have been developed to retrieve cloud cover from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer AVHRR data.
云在大气辐射中起重要作用,因此有许多应用高分辨辐射仪 AVHRR数据反演云复盖的算法。 cnki

Results of analysis show that although there is difference between MODIS NDVI and NOAA/ AVHRR NDVI, they both can reflect the spatial distribution and the temporal variation of the vegetation.
MODIS和 AVHRR两种资料得到的 NDVI数值虽然有差异,但都能很好地反映植被的空间分布和时间变化。

The second one uses only reflectivity of the second channel of AVHRR to calculate the winter wheat area.
单通道法是只使用 AVHRR第二通道的反照率来计算冬小麦种植面积。 cnki

The green index method and the single channel method are presented in this paper to calculate the Area of winter wheat with the NOAA/ AVHRR digital data.
本文提出了用 NOAA气象卫星AVHRR的定量资料计算冬小麦种植面积的方法,即绿度指数法和单通道法。 cnki

The land surface temperature of the Ordos Plateau and the surrounding areas is calculated with NOAA- AVHRR data by means of a split- window method.
采用一种分裂窗方法,利用 NOAA- AVHRR资料计算了鄂尔多斯高原及周边地区的地面温度。 cnki

Based on AVHRR and MODIS products, we developed the surface parameters preprocessing system from the real-time MODIS Level two land surface products to regional climate model resolutions.
基于 AVHRR和 MODIS遥感产品,建立实时 MODIS监测二级陆面产品到气候模式陆面参数的预处理系统。 cnki

Based on NOAA- AVHRR images, a color composition method for vegetation change detection is introduced.
以 NOAA- AVHRR遥感数据为基础,使用彩色合成法对新疆地表植被变化进行分析。 dictall

First, based on the satellite data NOAA- AVHRR and conventional observations, the land surface temperature and soil humidity of the above area is retrieved.
首先,本文的研究借助卫星遥感资料 NOAA- AVHRR和常规资料,分别反演了该区域的土壤湿度和地表温度。 cnki

Greenness image of NOAA/ AVHRR is the base and its processing is the key technology of crop yield estimation with remote sensing.
遥感绿度指数图象处理是农作物遥感综合估产的基础,对其软件进行改进是作物产量预报业务技术进步的表现。 cnki

NOAA- AVHRR has two thermal channels for monitoring the surface temperature of the earth.
气象卫星NOAA- AVHRR有两个热通道用来监测地球表面温度。 cnki

Split window algorithm is the most common technique for retrieving land surface temperature from AVHRR data.
劈窗算法是用这两个热通道数据演算地表温度的最常用方法。 cnki

Taking western Jilin Province as the study area, we build up a parameter model for the retrieval of land surface temperature from NOAA/ AVHRR data.
以吉林西部为研究区域,建立以 NOAA/ AVHRR卫星资料进行地表温度反演的参数化模型。 cnki

The results indicate that it is an effective and feasible method in improving the precision of NOAA/ AVHRR flood monitoring using TM data.
研究结果表明,利用 TM对NOAA监测洪涝精度进行订正是提高 NOAA卫星监测洪涝精度可行的有效方法。

The relatively large error of AVHRR SST data are mainly caused by the error of cloud detection.
由于云检测中误检或漏检的影响,使得 AVHRR SST数据与现场实测数据有较大误差。

The theory of decomposition of mixed pixel has made it possible to realize macro monitoring of winter wheat using low resolution AVHRR data.
作者提出的混合像元分解理论,使应用 AVHRR资料实现冬小麦宏观监测成为可能。 cnki

This paper describes the processing chain of China territory1-km AVHRR dataset and its applications.
介绍了中国陆地范围的长序列 AVHRR数据集及处理方法。 dictall

This paper introduces the application of NOAA/ AVHRR image data on oil & gas exploration in Jianghan Basin.
本文介绍了将 NOAA/ AVHRR图像数据扩展用于江汉盆地油气资源遥感勘查。 cnki

With the satellite data of NOAA AVHRR, we make analysis of the oil spill induced by tankers of“ARTEAGA” and“ TASMAN SEA”.
使用 NOAA卫星数据 AVHRR同时对“阿提哥”号和“塔斯曼海”号溢油事件做出分析和研究。 cnki




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