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词汇 Red Fuji apples
释义 Red Fuji apples
Yanchi Township is holding a red Fuji apple picking festival, which will last till the end of October.燕池镇正在举行一个红富士苹果采摘节,节日将延续至十月底。
A study on the fruit thinning effect of dipterex onRed Fuji apples敌百虫对红富士苹果疏除效应的研究
The results showed that the seasonal changes of POD and IOD activities in the leaves of 4 dwarfing stocks were similar to that of Red Fuji apple.结果表明,各砧木与中间砧红富士苹果叶片内POD、IOD酶活性的季节变化规律相似;
The cell numbers and sizes in fruits were investigated and changes of endogenous hormones and polyamines contents in fruits were studied during fruit development period in Red Fuji apple on different dwarfing interstocks .以3种不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果为试材,研究了果实细胞数目、果实大小 和幼果发育期间果实内源激素及多胺的变化。
The changes of endogenous polyamine contents and the effects of exogenous spermidine on endogenous polyamines in leaves during flower bud physiological differentiation were studied with Red Fuji apple and Starkrimson.以红富士苹果和新红星苹果为试材,研究了花芽生理分化期叶片内源多胺的变化和外源亚精胺对内源多胺含量的影响。




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