

单词 redden
释义 red·den 英ˈredn美ˈrɛdņAHDrĕdʹn ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁴⁷⁸⁹BNC⁷⁵²³¹iWeb²⁸²⁹³
turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame;

The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by

make red;

The setting sun reddened the sky

turn red or redder;

The sky reddened

来自 red,红色的,-en,使。蒋争熟词记忆red红d重复字母-en动词后缀;使成…,变成…⇒使红;变红red红d重复字母-en动词后缀;使成…,变成…⇒使红;变红近义词 glow光辉blush脸红flush冲洗shame羞愧shock震惊anger愤怒inflame激怒embarrass使窘迫crimson深红色的

用作动词His acne begins toreddenand intensify in less that five minutes.他痤疮开始变红,并加大在不到五分钟。
The leaves turns yellow, the maplesredden, so beautiful and so graceful!树叶黄了,枫叶红了,煞是好看。
Shereddenedat the sight.她看到那光景而脸红。
Humansreddenwhen they are angry.人类愤怒时会脸红。verb.blush, make rosy
同义词 bloody,color,crimson,dye,flush,glow,incarnadine,mantle,paint,pink,rose,rouge,rubify,rubric,rubricate,ruddle,rust,suffuse,tintgo red,pinken,ruby,ruddy,turn red
反义词 pale,whitenlighten
blushverb become colored, pinken
color,crimson,flush,glow,have rosy cheeks,mantle,rouge,turn red,turn scarlet
colorverb make pigmented;shade
crimsonnoun red
flushverb become or make pink or red
blush,burn,color,color up,crimson,flame,glow,go red,mantle,pink,pinken,redden,rose,rouge,suffuse
glowverb burn, radiate
be suffused,blare,blaze,blush,brighten,color,crimson,fill,flame,flare,flush,gleam,glimmer,glisten,glitter,ignite,kindle,light,mantle,pink,pinken,redden,rose,rouge,shine,smolder,thrill,tingle,twinkle
glowedverb burn, radiate
be suffused,blared,blazed,blushed,brightened,colored,crimsoned,filled,flamed,flared,flushed,gleamed,glimmered,glistened,glittered,ignited,kindled,lit,mantled,pinked,pinkened,reddened,rose,rouged,shone,smoldered,thrilled,tingled,twinkled I am accompanied by a red leaf which redden a piece of land, and the foot sound of time, after being rationally filtered, has decreased so many changes of human life.
有一片红叶相伴相依,红遍一方土地,让那岁月的足音,理性地过滤,消褪多少人生的沧桑。 sslib

Blackberries beginning to redden.
黑莓开始变红了。 yeeyan

So there he sat, talking to Mert Entwhistle loud enough for all of us to hear, his broad white forehead already starting to redden with the sun.
于是,他就坐在那儿和麦德聊天,声音大得我们所有人都听得到,宽大的前额已经开始晒得发红。 jp345

The cows and draft horses lazed under a row of young sassafras trees, whose leaf tips were just beginning to redden.
几头牛和几头役用马在一排小檫树下偷闲,檫树的叶尖刚刚开始发红。 ycwb

The normal use redden. Variable and non- frozen orange crush of accessibility and regrowth after smashing exchange capacity can not recover.
提出了正常使用变红、变橙和非受冻粉碎后的可使用性与受冻粉碎后工作交换容量的不可恢复性。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
到时阿瑞梭莎在新河也会脸红。 yeeyan

Then from her pocket would come forth printed copies of that fateful composition, and my ears begin to redden and tingle.
这时她就从口袋里掏出那首印好的致命的歌曲,我的耳朵就开始红了起来,并伴有耳鸣。 yeeyan

They redden the hills now.
它们染红了群山。 blog.sina.com.cn

Vast walls of dust hide and redden other hot young stars.
巨大的尘埃墙遮蔽了其他年轻的恒星,把它们“染”成红色。 bbs.astron.ac.cn




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